Bryan Catherman is the General Editor and site manager of He has served in a variety of ministry positions to include VA hospital chaplain, consultant, senior pastor, and church planter. Prior to his ministry service, he was in the Army and served in both Operation Enduring and Operation Iraqi Freedom with the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment. He earned two associates degrees from the College of Southern Idaho, a Batchelor's Degree from the University of Utah, a Master of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Ministry from Gateway Seminary (formerly Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary).
Bryan married his wife, Lisa in 1998. In 2006 they adopted a son. They adopted their second son in 2009. Their daughter was born in 2015.
Bryan has taught Contextual Leadership Development courses for Gateway Seminary, lectured for Gateway Doctoral Seminars, and developed many other classes for indigenous pastoral training, church planting, and theology. He has served on strategic leadership and planning committees, has done consulting work, coaching, served in various denominational leadership roles, pastored youth camps, and preached at retreats. He has also spoke and trained at conferences on evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, church planting, city engagement, and a wide range of other topics. He was a featured missionary of the Georgia Baptist Women's Missionary Union. Also, he enjoys speaking at churches and has been used for pulpit supply when he's available. He planted Redeeming Life Church in Bountiful, Utah and served as her Lead Pastor for ten years. Presently, he serves as the Pastor of Education and Discipleship at Trinity Church in Holdrege, Nebraska. If you would like to get in touch with Bryan, you can contact him here.
Bryan contributed a chapter in a book called Letters from the Front Lines: Iraq and Afghanistan (Granville Island), as well as numerous other articles in print and online (to include The Gospel Coalition and The Leadership Journal), short stories, a radio essay, and even a children's story recorded by a professional reader. IVP, Moody, and B&H have used him to review new releases, which have often appeared on Bryan also authored a chapter in the book, Living the Sermon on the Mount as a collaborative project with other Gateway Seminary doctoral candidates. And he contributed to a meditative devotional Bible called Holy Bible:Mosaic (NLT, Tyndale). His doctoral project is on the topic of Reproducible Discipleship.