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Charles Simeon: The Luther of Cambridge

By Josiah D. Walker
(This post was originally a paper written for the partial fulfillment of a Master’s degree at Gateway Seminary.)


James instructs his readers to “Consider it a great joy […] whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”[i] Charles Simeon must have taken this verse to heart. He withstood persecution that most of us would not be able to withstand. Not only did Simeon stand firm against persecution from his church members, but he also finished strong and endured until the end, having pastored at the same church, Trinity Church in Cambridge, England for 49 years.[ii]

John Piper describes Simeon as “a man who was a sinner like you and me, who was a pastor, and who, year after year, in his trials, ‘grew downward’ in humility and upward in his adoration of Christ, and who did not yield to bitterness or to the temptation to leave his charge – for 54 years.”[iii] In examining Simeon’s life, we see the selfless love that he had for Christ’s Bride, the church, despite the opposition and hatred that he endured; and as a result, we can learn how we too might love and serve Christ’s Bride faithfully as well. 



Charles Simeon was born in 1759, a year after Jonathan Edwards’s death. He was born to a middle-class family and was the youngest of four brothers. Not much is known about his mother. His father was a non-believer and a well-off attorney. Growing up, Simeon attended The Royal College of Eton, a boarding school in England. After which, he went on to King’s College in Cambridge in 1779. There, he became a Fellow in 1782. The following year, he was ordained as a priest and appointed as vicar of Holy Trinity Church in Cambridge. Simeon served as the Pastor of Trinity Church for forty-nine years until his death in 1836. According to Arthur Bennett, By the end of his life, Simeon had become “the strongest religious influence in England.”[iv]

Charles Simeon lived a simple life. He never married and spent his life living in the rooms at King’s College in Cambridge, England. When Simeon’s brother left him a substantial amount of money after his death, Simeon turned it down and gave any extra income that he received to other religious and charitable organizations.[v]


Many people know exactly when they were ‘saved.’ Others would say that they have been saved on the ‘installment plan’ because they have seen, over a period of time, the moments when God was working in their life to regenerate their heart and turn it from a heart of stone and into a heart of flesh. For Simeon, salvation came slowly step-by-step during Passion Week in 1779 when he was asked by his Provost, William Cooke, to take part in the mid-week Lord’s Supper. Simeon was beside himself. It is said that when Simeon was faced with the thought of taking part of the Lord’s Supper, he found himself feeling like Satan was better equipped to take part in communion than he. 

“In Passion Week,” writes Simeon regarding the time of his conversion, “as I was reading Bishop Wilson on the Lord’s Supper, I met with an expression to this effect — ‘That the Jews knew what they did, when they transferred their sin to the head of their offering.’”[vi]  Leviticus 1:4 discusses the transfer of sin to make an acceptable substitute. 

Simeon continued, “The thought came into my mind, what, may I transfer all my guilt to another? Has God provided an Offering for me, that I may lay my sins on His head? Then, God willing, I will not bear them on my own soul one moment longer.”[vii] 

Although Simeon was reading about the Lord’s Supper, it was this Old Testament passage that God used to stir the man’s mind. 

The thought stuck with Simeon. He continued, “Accordingly, I sought to lay my sins upon the sacred head of Jesus; and on the Wednesday began to have a hope of mercy; on the Thursday that hope increased; on the Friday and Saturday it became stronger; and on the Sunday morning, Easter-day, April 4, I awoke early with those words upon my heart and lips, ‘Jesus Christ is risen to-day! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!’”[viii] 

While not a common evangelistic Scripture for Easter, Simeon’s encounter with substitutionary atonement in the Old Testament Law helped him take step after step until he found his hope and salvation in Jesus Christ. Simeon describes the fruit of his salvation encounter, writing, “From that hour peace flowed in rich abundance into my soul; and at the Lord’s Table in our Chapel, I had the sweetest access to God through my blessed Savior.”[ix] 


Charles Simeon was part of the Evangelical Party, which, like the Methodist Churches, “had been inspired by the preaching and example of John Wesley.”[x] In fact, Simeon became friends with John Wesley during the early days of his ministry.[xi] 

Charles Simeon preached his first sermon at Trinity Church November 10th, 1782.[xii] It was his dream come true. He had long hoped to become the vicar of Trinity Church. For years he had petitioned God in prayer that he might be able to pastor there, as well as teach at the University.[xiii]

Unfortunately, that dream quickly darkened into a nightmare. Simeon had been appointed to the pastorate by Bishop Yorke; however, the congregation of Trinity Church had a different desire. They wanted the Assistant Curate at the time, Mr. Hammond, to be their pastor. In hearing this news, Simeon was willing to step down as vicar so the parishioners could have the pastor that they desired; however, Bishop Yorke told Simeon that even if he stepped down as vicar, the bishop would not appoint Hammond as the new vicar. Therefore, Simeon remained the pastor for fifty-four years. Ironically, it took almost that long for the congregation to come around to the idea of having him as their pastor.  

Simeon faced ruthless opposition from his protesting parishioners. For the first five years of Simeon’s ministry, the congregation did not allow him to preach the Sunday afternoon service. Instead, they handed that service over to Mr. Hammond. Then after Hammond left, rather than relenting and allowing Simeon to preach, the church gave the service over to someone else for an additional seven years. It wasn’t until 1792, twelve years after joining Trinity church, that Charles Simeon was allowed to preach the afternoon sermon. If only that were where the conflict ended. 

In addition to refusing to allow Simeon the opportunity to preach in the church that he pastored, the ‘pewholders’ of the church also locked the doors on their personal pews and would not allow anyone to sit in their pews. As a result, Simeon set up chairs in the aisles and surrounding areas of the church, only to have them thrown out onto the lawn.[xiv] 

“For ten years, Simeon was harassed and persecuted at Trinity Church, Cambridge, by churchwardens and other church members who disliked having an Evangelical vicar.”[xv] Despite the on-slot of opposition that Simeon had endured for years, he continued faithfully preaching the Word and spending time in prayer, loving his congregation with patience and humility. Eventually, things relented, and Simeon enjoyed roughly thirty years of peace before more conflict would arise. 


According to Zabriskie, “Simeon’s basic contentions became permanently the major premises of the Evangelical movement largely because of the immense influence he exerted for half a century over the students at Cambridge, many of whom became the chief clerical and lay leaders in future years, and through the Simeon Trust, which he created.”[xvi] Part of the blessing of living at the University, was that Simeon was able to have ‘conversation parties’ on Friday nights. These weeknight gatherings were an opportunity to gather together with other students who had questions about spirituality and their faith. In the end, these parties resulted in “scores of young men becoming evangelical pastors and missionaries,” according to Gordon MacDonald.[xvii] 

Simeon formed small groups long before today’s thinking of small groups ever existed. He also started Sunday School classes before the modern-day ‘Sunday School’ of the 1950s. In 1827, thanks to Simeon’s preaching, four students at the University organized a Sunday school for the less fortunate children in the area. The first week, 220 kids attended the class. It was soon known as “the Jesus Lane Sunday school”[xviii] This simple Sunday school class quickly resulted in other groups meeting, and in 1862 a Daily Prayer Meeting was started that drew a crowd of 10 students from the university. These prayer meetings included evangelistic messages, prayer, singing, and the reading of God’s Word. Fifteen years later, evangelical activity could be seen across Cambridge’s seventeen colleges and the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union was formed to help students focus on missionary careers.[xix] The best part of it is this all started with just one man, Charles Simeon as there was no evangelical presence at Cambridge when Simeon started school there. 


“When Simeon died in 1836, the city of Cambridge closed down and gave him the largest funeral people had ever known,” wrote MacDonald[xx] Simeon refused to get caught up in titles such as Arminian or Calvinist. His main objective was to teach and preach the gospel biblically. While Simeon was commonly referred to as a “Evangelical Calvinist” you can dig deeper into his theology by reviewing his collection of sermons in a 21-volume set which he completed in 1833 and gave to King William the Fourth.[xxi] Simeon was an advisor for the East India Company and a mentor for Henry Martin. Simeon had a heart for missions and was involved with various mission organizations such as the Foreign Bible Society and the Society for Promotion Christianity Among Jews. Simeon was also instrumental in the foundation of the Church Missionary Society.[xxii]


Examining the life of Charles Simeon, we see that Oswald Chambers was right when he said, “Prayer does not equip us for greater works--prayer is the greater work.”[xxiii] 

Simeon made it a daily ritual to get up at 4:00AM each morning to read the Bible, study, and pray until 8:00AM.[xxiv] It was this practice that helped equip him for a lifetime of ministry. Simeon understood that prayer changes things. It changes us. He prayed intensely for those who opposed him. When newspapers slandered him, his response was: “I will pray for him” and when the churchwardens locked the church doors against him, he said “May God bless them with enlightening grace.”[xxv] It was common to find Simeon silently praying for others. Once, a German agnostic rode up to him on a horse and asked why Simeon’s lips were silently moving. His response was “I am praying for you, my friend.” In the end, their conversation that ensued led to the conversion of the German agnostic. Simeon’s life was grounded in prayer, and it showed. 

Simeon faithfully served in ministry for over forty-nine years and overcome incredible hatred and opposition from not only his congregation but also the university where he taught at. He also conquered difficult health issues; through such adversity, we see that the keys to Simeon’s success came from God the Father. Simeon held fast to God’s Word. He was patient in tribulation and kind in persecution. He took James 1:3 to heart and lived it out each and every day. With laser focus, Simeon preached the redeeming message of the gospel everywhere he went. When faced with the opportunity to retire early and take it easy, Simeon hunkered down, and with his hand on the plow, continued to press forward in his kingdom work. When the time comes for the Lord to call us home, may the same words be said of us that are inscribed on the monument of Charles Simeon in Holy Trinity Church: “Determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.”[xxvi]


  • Christian Standard Bible (CSB) Nashville, Tenn.: Holman Bible Publishers.

  • Bennett, Arthur. Charles Simeon: Prince of Evangelicals.  Evangelical Review of Theology 16, no. 2 (1992): 182–95.

  • Chambers, Oswald. My Utmost for His Highest. Grand Rapids, Mich: Discovery House Publishers, 1992.

  • Clayton, J F. 1936“The Centenary of Charles Simeon.” Modern Churchman 26 (9): 500–504. https://search-ebscohost-com.gbtssbc.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lsdar&AN=ATLA0001649916&site=ehost-live.

  • Hansen, Collin “Campus Ministry Cambridge Style” Worchester, Penn: Christian History Institute, 2005 Issue #88

  • MacDonald, Gordon “I Am Sim” Worchester, Penn: Christian History Institute, 2004, Issue 81.

  • Moule, M.C.G. “Charles Simeon”. London: InterVarsity Press, 1948.

  • Piper, John.  21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful.  Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018.

  • Zabriskie, Alexander C. “Charles Simeon: Anglican Evangelical.” Church History 9, no. 2 (1940): 103–19.



       [i] James 1:2-3. Christian Standard Bible (CSB). All following scripture references will be taken from the CSB. 

     [ii] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 299.

     [iii] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 320.

     [iv] Bennett, Arthur. 1992. “Charles Simeon: Prince of Evangelicals.” Evangelical Review of Theology 16 (2): 182–95.

     [v] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 317.

     [vi] M.C.G. Moule, Charles Simeon (London: InterVarsity Press, 1948) 25-26.

     [vii] M.C.G. Moule, Charles Simeon (London: InterVarsity Press, 1948) 25-26.

     [viii] M.C.G. Moule, Charles Simeon (London: InterVarsity Press, 1948) 25-26.

     [ix] M.C.G. Moule, Charles Simeon (London: InterVarsity Press, 1948) 25-26.

     [x] Clayton, J F. 1936“The Centenary of Charles Simeon.” Modern Churchman 26 (9): 500–504. https://search-ebscohost-com.gbtssbc.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lsdar&AN=ATLA0001649916&site=ehost-live.

     [xi] Clayton, J F. 1936“The Centenary of Charles Simeon.” Modern Churchman 26 (9): 500–504. https://search-ebscohost-com.gbtssbc.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lsdar&AN= ATLA0001649916&site=ehost-live.

     [xii] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 304.

     [xiii] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 309.

     [xiv] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 310.

     [xv] Clayton, J F. 1936 “The Centenary of Charles Simeon.” Modern Churchman 26 (9): 500–504. https://search-ebscohost-com.gbtssbc.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lsdar&AN=ATLA0001649916&site=ehost-live.

     [xvi] Zabriskie, Alexander C. 1940. “Charles Simeon: Anglican Evangelical.” Church History 9 (2): 103–19.

     [xvii] Gordon MacDonald, “I Am Sim” (Worchester, Penn: Christian History Institute, 2004), Issue 81, 50.

     [xviii] Collin Hansen, “Campus Ministry Cambridge Style” (Worchester, Penn: Christian History Institute, 2005) Issue #88.

     [xix] Collin Hansen, “Campus Ministry Cambridge Style” (Worchester, Penn: Christian History Institute, 2005) Issue #88.

     [xx] Gordon MacDonald, “I Am Sim” (Worchester, Penn: Christian History Institute, 2004), Issue 81, 50.

     [xxi] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 305-306.

     [xxii] John Piper, 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful (Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018), 304.

     [xxiii] Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest (Grand Rapids, Mich: Discovery House Publishers, 1992) October 16.

     [xxiv] Zabriskie, Alexander C. 1940. “Charles Simeon: Anglican Evangelical.” Church History 9 (2): 103–19.

     [xxv] Bennett, Arthur. 1992. “Charles Simeon: Prince of Evangelicals.” Evangelical Review of Theology 16 (2): 182–95.

     [xxvi] Clayton, J F. 1936 “The Centenary of Charles Simeon.” Modern Churchman 26 (9): 500–504. https://search-ebscohost-com.gbtssbc.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lsdar&AN=ATLA0001649916&site=ehost-live.

Mission Foundations: Isaiah 6:8

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman discuss the heart of “Hear I am. Send me.” It’s the cry of Isaiah in Isaiah 6:8. It’s a good heart for mission work but we often take it out of context. The guys discuss the context and how much more significant the verse is for missions when we get it properly placed in passage. Listen to this episode, “Isaiah 6:8” wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts, or listen here:

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Why is "Sola Fide" so Significant?

In July 1505, a young lawyer entered an Augustinian monastery. It was a place isolated from the ills of the outside world. The only focus was intended to be God, every waking moment of every day. Yet this young man, even in the safety of the monastery, was tormented. He did not feel worthy of being in God's presence. He was anxious and desperate for an escape from his sins. He greatly feared the coming wrath of God. He had no idea how to live, not even from one moment to the next.

The young monk would confess to his confessor for hours and still be deeply troubled that he may have forgotten something. He knew that even one sin would damn him to hell, and even his sinful nature was a curse. The monk shook with fright when taking communion. Terror filled him at all times. Confession, escaping the evil world, serving as a monk, and meditating on God seemed unable to offer him one scrap of peace, rest, or salvation.

Seeing the monk's agony, his confessor believed the wretched monk might find relief if he were to go to the academy. At the academy, he would have greater access to the Bible, and he might have an opportunity to study God's Word more deeply. The monk was Martin Luther.

In 1515, Luther was lecturing on the Letter to the Romans. He later wrote, "that it was the first chapter of that epistle that he found the solution to his difficulties" (Justo Gonzalez, 1985, 19). Luther read Romans 1:16-17, which reads, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: 'The righteous shall live by faith'" (CSB).

Luther knew that the righteous are saved, and the unrighteous, that is, those without righteousness, are damned. In Romans 1:17, Luther finally understood that man has no righteousness of his own. He has none whatsoever and can't even create it (which is supported by the remainder of Romans 1). Nor can humanity do work to earn it because 'self-righteousness' can't save. Any righteousness Luther may receive could have only come from God. God has revealed his righteousness to his creation. Furthermore, God grants his righteousness to those who believe in God's revelation, the gospel. More striking, is that there is not one thing apart from faith that man can do for salvation. No work can earn this righteousness. Salvation comes by faith alone, in Christ alone.

Luther was liberated! His effort to earn his salvation through his own 'righteous' works now looked silly, futile. Martin Luther might have become a regenerate, born-again Christian at this moment. And it was most likely that God used this discovery to launch Luther into the ministry that reformed the world. Luther's discovery brought the focus to faith in God rather than working and striving to save ourselves.

Hebrews 11:1 teaches that "faith is the reality of what is hoped for." Faith is knowing that God will keep his promises to us. Then the entire chapter shares account after account of God keeping his promises and God's righteous people living their lives based on the rock-solid hope--faith--that God will do what he promised he would. And he does!

The righteous shall live by faith.

The truth Luther discovered in Romans 1:17 became one of five battle cries of the protestant reformation: Sola Fide! (It means 'in faith alone.')

Sola Fide!

About the SBC President (With Jonathan Howe)

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Bryan Catherman chatted with Jonathan Howe about the ins and outs of the Southern Baptist Convention President. What is the SBC President’s role and responsibility? How is the president nominated and elected? What are the terms and term limits? Who is the SBC President responsible to? What about all the other president roles in the SBC? What about the Pastor’s Conference President? What about the intent to nominate Voddie Baucham for the Pastor’s Conference President? What are the rules of the Pastor’s Conference? Bryan had tons of questions for Jonathan and he answered them all. Then Jonathan shared how a filibuster circus can happen at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting.

Jonathan Howe is the Vice President of Communication for the SBC Executive Committee and co-host of SBC This Week.

Learn more than you probably thought you wanted to know about the SBC President by listening to this episode wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or listen here:

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Building Healthy Churches: Corporate Worship

Join Josiah Walker, Bryan Catherman, and their guest Mark Whitaker as they discuss the new 9Marks Building Healthy Churches book, Corporate Worship: How the Church Gathers God’s People by Matt Merker. This book looks at the act of corporate worship on a Sunday morning, through the lens of the local church. Mark Whitaker, a worship pastor at Hebron Baptist Church, helps us know why we should read this book and what it brings to the table. You can listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted wherever you listen to your favorite podcast or listen here:

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Building Healthy Churches: Missions

Join Bryan Catherman, Josiah Walker, and Mark Whitaker as they discuss the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches book, Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global by Andy Johnson. This episode is part of our podcast series called Building Healthy Church, a series through the 9Marks collection of books. Listen to this episode wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or listen here:

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Who Were the Moravians?

Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they chat with Mark Whitaker about the Moravians and their mission-sending capacity. Mark is completing his doctoral studies focused on the Moravians and has a lot to share. It’s likely that you’ve heard of the Moravians but know little about them. In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, we learn a lot about the Moravians and we get to know Mark Whitaker better. Find the podcast wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or listen here:

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SBU: The Charles Simeon Trust

Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman interviewed Robert Kinney and Jeremy Meeks from The Charles Simeon Trust. The Charles Simeon Trust exists to help biblical expositors preach better. They have on-line courses, workshops and the Chicago Course on preaching. They also host a podcast called “Preachers Talk” in partnership with 9Marks. In this episode, the guys discussed the programs of The Charles Simeon Trust as well as the heart behind the ministry and a little about how it works. Listen to this episode wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or use the player here:

* Our apologies, we had some audio difficulties with the audio on our side of the internet, but Robert Kinney and Jeremy Meeks come in loud and clear. We’ll work on getting this corrected for our next on-line interviews.

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Palm Sunday is About the King

"That's not right!" my daughter blurted out while I was reading Mark 11 to her. She ran to her room and back, flipping through the pages of one of her children's Bibles. "See," she said. "They didn't put the palm branches on the road; they waved them in the air like pom-poms."

Mark 11:8 set this emotional concern into motion. The verse reads, "Many people spread their clothes on the road, and others spread leafy branches cut from the fields" (CSB). In that passage, the citizens put their clothes and the branches on the road for Jesus' donkey to walk on like a red carpet. They were honoring the king. Matthew 21:8 says the same thing. Luke 19:36 says they spread their clothes on the road but doesn't mention the branches. John 12:13 says they took palm branches and went out to meet Jesus. It doesn't tell if they waved them or put them on the ground, but given the testimony of Mark and Matthew, they likely laid them on the road.

At that moment, my daughter desperately wanted her children's Bible with pictures of people waving the palm branches to be correct. That's what tradition had painted in her mind, but that picture doesn't accurately reflect the biblical moment. And most of us have a portrait of Palm Sunday like my daughter's painted in our traditions too.

Too often, we miss the majesty of the biblical story for the palm branches. Jesus is the fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 which says, "Look, your King is coming to you; he is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." Note the crowd's boldness--albeit fleeting, but still profound brass. In front of Pilate, the Roman Governor, and King Herod, the masses shouted these words to Jesus: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord -- the King of Israel!" (John 12:13). Indeed, they believed Jesus was coming to overthrow those leaders, and in ways more profound than they ever could have imagined, Jesus did. The focus of the story is not the donkey. It's not the coats on the road. And it's not the palm branches.

The palm branches are much like the towel and bowl Jesus used to wash his disciples' feet (John 13:1-20). They are props in a story full of significance and meaning. However, the context helps us get beyond tradition to the applicable purpose.

When Jesus got up to wash the disciple's feet, it wasn't an out-of-the-ordinary ceremony. It was customary that the lowly servants washed guests' feet because sandaled-feet got gross on the dirty roads. And because they didn't sit on chairs but instead reclined like a family on a picnic blanket, their feet were not hidden under a table. The shocking moment was not that Jesus did a special ceremony but that the divine Lord of Earth and Heaven did the task of a low servant. When Jesus explained that he is our example, he called his disciples to humble themselves and serve others, even in the lowest of jobs.

Parading around waving palms is much like hosting a foot-washing service. It's not inherently a bad thing to do, but it might cause people to miss the point of the biblical account. Eyes might note the palms while missing the King of Kings.

When the people put their clothing and palm branches out before Jesus, it was like rolling out the red carpet for their King. They were honoring Jesus and humbling themselves before their King. Sadly, those same people completely changed their minds less than a week later when they yelled, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" (Matthew 27:22-24). I wonder if there were still pieces of palm branches in the streets while Jesus was being led from the garden to the garrison and then from the courts to the cross?

When teaching the Bible, it can be dangerous to say, "be like those people." Be like David, except not when he had an affair, killed a man to cover it up, raised terrible kids, or counted his army to marvel at his own kingdom. Be like the people crying "Hosanna!" in the streets and laying coats and palms at Jesus' feet, but don't be like them when they demanded the thorn-crowned King of the Jews be crucified. Instead, seek to understand the principle of the Scripture and live by that. Seek to see King Jesus as the central figure and the entire point of Palm Sunday. See King Jesus as the better David, the perfect King to sit on the throne forever.

Rather than having a foot-washing ceremony, seek ways to humble yourself and serve others often. And rather than waving a palm branch around in the air like a pom-pom, think about how you can usher Jesus into your life as your King. Does your worship honor your King? Does your obedience to the King show the world you are a citizen of Jesus' Kingdom? How can you surrender your own kingdom construction to build our Lord's Kingdom? How can you metaphorically roll out the red carpet for King Jesus this Palm Sunday?

This King, our King, went to a Roman cross in your place. He hung naked on a cross between two criminals. Mocked and scorned, he died. Of course, you weren't facing a sentence of Roman punishment. No. You and your sins were before the judgment of a holy God, and the penalty was an eternal death sentence. But Jesus didn't die because they called him King in the streets a week before. He didn't even die because they nailed him to a cross. Our King died under the crushing wrath of judgment on sin. If you profess faith in Jesus Christ and obey him as your King, he has traded his righteousness for your sin, and Jesus mortified your sin on the cross. Then on the third day, he left the grave. Your sin stayed there. This is why we celebrate Easter. And for the Christian, every day is Easter.

Is Jesus your King?

An Oversimplified Summary of Reformed and Free-Will Theology

Reformation Wall.  Statues of John Calvin, William Farel, Théodore de Bèze, and John Knox.

As men and women study salvation, they develop specific ideas about humanity, sin, and why God saves. They also gain ideas about how it works and in what order it plays out. The $.95 word for this area of theology is soteriology, meaning the study of salvation.

Within soteriology, people understand salvation in two main areas or camps. One is called the free-will or Arminian camp. The other is called Calvinist or reformed. This post is an over-simplified summary about the topic of reformed theology. The goal is simply to offer some starting places so you an begin your own journey.

A Brief History:
Jacob Arminius (1560-1609) and John Calvin (1509-1564) were theologians who taught soteriology. After Arminius died, some of his students called the Remonstrance circulated a position of salvation with 5 points or "heads." A synod (or council) in Dort was convened (1618-1619). They determined that the 5 points of the Remonstrance were unbiblical, and they edited the points to make them biblical. Today, those points are called the 5 points of Calvinism.

What's the Issue? The Order of Salvation:
At the center of the differences is the order of salvation, that is, the order of what happens when God saves us. Both the reformed and the free-will camps agree on all ten parts of salvation. They disagree on the order. But the way we order salvation determines how we understand God, man, and how God works.

Here's the Order of Salvation from a Reformed perspective (somewhat like Grudem’s presentation):

  1. Election (God choosing who will be saved)

  2. The Gospel Call (the presentation of the gospel and call to believe)

  3. Regeneration (being born again, having the heart changed)

  4. Conversion

  5. Justification (having a proper legal standing before God)

  6. Adoption (being made a child of God)

  7. Sanctification (learning how to live by God's instruction)

  8. Perseverance (being carried to completion in salvation)

  9. Death

  10. Glorification (getting a redeemed resurrected body)

Here's the Order of Salvation from a Free-Will perspective:

  1. The Gospel Call

  2. Conversion

  3. Election

  4. Regeneration

  5. Justification

  6. Adoption

  7. Sanctification

  8. Perseverance

  9. Death

  10. Glorification

Notice that the Order of Salvation differs in the first four steps. These positions argue a biblical understanding and depend on a specific interpretation of Scripture. Both cannot be correct. It's not that both positions are right. Either one is right and one is wrong, both are wrong, or there may be some right things and some wrong things.

The Reformed position argues that time is part of creation and God exists outside of time. He can see the beginning and the end simultaneously and he as at the beginning and end simultaneously, which is how we know prophecy is accurate. God chose who he would save before creating the world; thus, election comes first. Then the universal gospel call goes out to the world and is available to everyone. However, only those who are regenerated (eyes and ears made open and a new heart given) will respond favorably to the gospel call. Because they now see God correctly, they convert by placing their faith in God and repenting.

The Free Will position argues that God is bound by time but can see into the future, so prophecy is still accurate. The gospel call goes out to everyone worldwide. The person decides if they will answer the call. God then elects (or chooses) the person, seeing that the person first chose God, unhindered by any outside influence by God but possibly influenced away by Satan. (Technically, God did this in the past after looking down the corridors of time to see if Satan would not snatch the person away and that the person would choose God first. If it worked out, then God chose the person.) After the person converts to God, God opens up the eyes and ears and gives the person a new heart. 

Sometimes, a misunderstanding happens when it comes to the need for evangelism. Some free-will people argue that reformed people do not care about evangelism or mission. But remember that the gospel call is one of the steps of the Order of Salvation. That call is made by believers preaching or sharing the gospel. (Sadly, some hyper-reformed people don't do evangelism, but that's not the theology.)

At other times, a misunderstanding happens when reformed people argue that free-will people do not know and study their Bible well. This is also false. Some serious, respected theologians knew the Bible exceptionally well and came to free-will conclusions. The churches in reformed positions often hold high views about expository preaching, but this view is not exclusive to either camp. (Sadly, some hyper-free-will people take an over-realized position about grace and don't hold a high view of the entire Bible or the preached Word, but that's not the theology.)

Sometimes people assume that reformed people are stodgy, grumpy jerks. This is sad because being saved by God is no reason to be grumpy. Christians (in both camps) should be the happiest, joy-filled people on earth. Some reformed people are grim, but that's not part of the theology. Some reformed people think it's their job to fight people and culture, but some free-will people do too.

Sometimes people believe that free-will people are egalitarian or liberal. This is not a part of the theology. You can find egalitarians and complementaries and liberals and conservatives in both camps.

Sometimes people say that reformed people (Calvinists) are not saved. Other times people say that free-will people (Arminians) are not saved. Our faith in Jesus Christ determines our salvation. Repenting from your ways and believing that Jesus is who he says he is and calling him Lord (letting him call all the shots) is how you get saved, no matter what you believe about the order of how it happens.

What Do We Do With This?
J.I. Packer once pointed out that if we ever pray and ask God to save someone, we've asked God to violate that person's free-will, and we're thinking like a reformed person. On the other hand, if we've ever felt like we're not skilled enough or not convincing enough when we share the gospel, we're thinking like a free-will person.

This debate is nothing to get worried about. Do your best to let the Bible lead you in your convictions at the end of the day. Continue to share the gospel. Continue to follow the Lord. And don't get too worried or worked up about how God saves people.

Were the Denominations Camp:
Some entire denominations go one way or the other. The Presbyterians, Dutch Reformed, and Lutherans hold the reformed view. Most Anglicans are reformed, but not all. The Methodists, Free-Will Baptists, Assemblies of God, Calvary Chapel, Christian Missionary Alliance, and Church of God are free-will. Most Four Square churches and nearly all the pentecostal and charismatic denominations lean free will. The EV Free and most Baptist denominations can be reformed or free will. The Southern Baptists make room for both. (Jared Jenkins and I recorded a podcast in 2012 or 2013 about Calvinism in the Southern Baptist Convention, in which we explained the two camps and how we work together. You can listen to that here.)

Notable preachers and/or authors who hold to a reformed theology:
Martin Luther
John Calvin
John Knox
John Bunyan
John Newton
Issac Watts
George Whitfield
Charles Spurgeon
BB Warfield
J. Gresham Machen
Martin Lloyd-Jones
A. W. Pink
Francis Shaeffer
J.I. Packer
RC Sproul
Alistair Begg
John Piper
D.A. Carson
Wayne Grudem
Tim Keller
Chuck Swindoll
Matt Chandler
J.D. Greear
Jen Wilkin
Joni Eareckson Tada
Susan Hunt
Nancy Guthrie
Gloria Furman
Jackie Hill Perry
Rosaria Butterfield

Notable preachers and/or authors who hold to a free-will theology:
Jacobus Arminius
John Goodwin
William Laud
Charles Wesley
John Wesley
Charles Ryrie
D.L. Moody
Oswald Chambers
C.S. Lewis
A.W. Tozer
E.M Bounds
Billy Graham
J. Vernon McGee
Howard Hendricks
Roger E. Olson
Grant Osborne
Gordon Fee
Norm Giesler
Jerry Falwell
James Dobson
Jeff Iorg
Ray Comfort
Mildred Wynkoop
Aimee Semple McPherson
June Hesterly
Santy Macintost
Lysa Terkeusrt

Building Heathy Churches: Prayer

Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they discuss John Onwuchekwa’s 9Marks book, Prayer: How Praying Together Shapes the Church. This book is part of a 9Marks series called, Building Healthy Churches. Our podcast series caries the same name. In this episode, the guys look at the high and low marks of the book and share their thoughts. Listen to the episode here:

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Building Healthy Churches: Discipling

Join Bryan Catherman and Josiah Walker as they discuss Mark Dever’s Book, Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Christ. This episode is part of a series called Building Healthy Churches. This series goes through the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series. If you’re interested, you can purchase the book here. Listen this this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted:

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We've Made an Update to the "Salty Believer Unscripted" Podcast!

SaltyBeliever.com started in January, 2010. Two years later we added a podcast. After 454 episodes, we finally had to make a change to the way to distribute the podcast. Technology has changed to the point that an updated was needed.

If you keep up with our episodes, you probably won’t notice any change (other than the 3 episodes that posted today, ahead of schedule). If you were behind, some podcast apps won’t show the episodes posted before today. Some apps will still show those episodes. It just depends on the app you used to listen to the podcast. It may take some apps a little time to get up to speed with the change.

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Mission Foundations: Psalm 106:23

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker, Bryan Catherman, and Robbie the Intern (Robbie Tschorn) discuss Psalm 106:23 and prayer. This episode is part of a series that’s exploring Scripture that shows us God’s plan for missions, church planting, personal evangelism, and gospel proclamation. The series is called “Mission Foundations” and you can listen to this episode here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Mission Foundations: Mark 4:26-29

Bryan Catherman and Josiah Walker are starting a new series called, “Mission Foundations.” In this series, they aim to examine significant Scripture that helps us better understand God’s plan for mission, church planting, personal evangelism, and gospel proclamation. The first episode looks at faithfulness in Mark 4:26-29. Listen to this episode here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Tools for Your Devotional Time

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman discuss the tools they use for their personal study, devotional, and quiet time with the Lord, other than the Bible. These tools, to include books, magazines, devotional materials, apps, journals, etc., may be things you can use to enhance or improve your devotional time with God. If you have tools you like, we’d love to hear from you. Listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Throwback Thursday for Saint Patrick's Day!

Many years ago, Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman hosted a Salty Believer Unscripted series called “Lessons from Church History.” One of those episodes discussed Patrick (AKA Saint Patrick) and also the Puritans. In this episode, they discussed who Patrick really was. He wan’t Irish. He was a slave of the people of Ireland who escaped and then returned to Ireland as a missionary. He didn’t removed the snakes—that’s legend. But Patrick was a remarkable missionary and we can learn some wonderful lessons from Patrick.

They also discuss the Puritans.

Listen to this older episode here:

If you liked this episode, you can listen to the entire series here:

Lessons from Church History
-- Part 1: Athanasius and Lady Jane Grey audio
-- Part 2: Patrick and the Puritans audio
-- Part 3: Jan Hus and Charles Spurgeon audio
-- Part 4: Conrad Grabel, George Blourock, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer audio
-- Part 5: Polycarp and John Chrysostom audio

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Building Healthy Churches: "Church Elders" by Jeramie Rinne

Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they discuss the 9Marks book, Church Elders: How to Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus by Jeramie Rinne. This book is part of a larger series of 9Marks books called Building Healthy Churches and this episode is part of a podcast series also called Building Healthy Churches. You can listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Building Healthy Churches: "Church Discipline" by Jonathan Leeman

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Bryan Catherman and Josiah Walker discuss Jonathan Leeman’s book, Church Discipline: How the Church Protects the Name of Jesus (Crossway, 2012). This book is part of a 9Marks series called Building Healthy Churches and this podcast is part of an ongoing series of the same name.

You can purchase this book on Amazon by following this link, or find it wherever you get your favorite books.

Listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted here, wherever you listen to your favorite podcast, or with the embedded player below:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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