Students Coming Out of Seminary Today (Part 2)

In this Part 2 in a two part interview. Bryan Catherman interviewed Dr. Mark Bradley, the Director of the Pacific Northwest Campus of Gateway Seminary. They discuss ministry in the Pacific Northwest, seminary education, and Mark’s outlook for the future that graduating students are entering. They also talk about what he sees in students today. This is Part 2 of a 2-part interview. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Students Coming Out of Seminary Today (Part 1)

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Bryan Catherman interviewed Dr. Mark Bradley, the Director of the Pacific Northwest Campus of Gateway Seminary. They discuss ministry in the Pacific Northwest, seminary education, and Mark’s outlook for the future that graduating students are entering. They also talk about what he sees in students today. This is Part 1 of a 2-part interview. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Ecumenical Ministry: All Together

On this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Bryan Catherman and Josiah Walker discuss ecumenical ministry. What does it look like for various church to work together? Should churches join with non-Christian ministries in the community? Should we lay down our differences and compromise the gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of community? Everything is done in some way, but who decides which way, and is it really a two-way street? These the questions that lead the conversation and they answer these and more. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Dealing with Doug: A Look at Kevin DeYoung's Critique

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman discuss Kevin DeYoung’s critique of Doug Wilson’s No Quarter November. “What do you think of Doug Wilson?” is the question that opens DeYoung’s article. The article goes on to examine Wilson’s approach to ministry. This opened the conversation up for Bryan and Josiah to talk about how we might respond to questions about ministers we struggle with. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Stewards of the Bride: Finding Your Role in the Church

Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they finish up our series, “Stewards of the Bride.” In this episode, they seek to answer the question, “How do I find my place in a local church?” Given what an Elder is, and give what a Deacon is, what does it look like to serve the Bride of Christ in the local church? Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Stewards of the Bride: What about the Ladies?

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman talk about the role of women in the church. What about women elders? Women deacons (servants)? These are significant questions given the gender-enflamed aspects of culture bleeding into the Church lately. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Stewards of the Bride: Servants are Deacons

Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they discuss the qualifications and task of the deacon. Are all servants deacons? Or could it be that there are many classes of servants, and of those classes, deacon is one position within the classes of servants in the church? How should we understand Phoebe as a servant or deacon? This opens up questions about servants, but also about women serving in the local church. These are the topics the guys are hitting on in this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted. For more information, please visit

The Elder is a Shepherd

Join Salty Believer Unscripted as Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman discuss the role of the Pastor as a shepherd. The Pastor is a shepherd and there for, an Elder is a shepherd. What is that? What does it mean? What does it look like? That’s the conversation in this episode as the guys address the question, “What is a Pastor?” Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Stewards of the Bride: What is an Elder?

On this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman discuss Elders and what an Elder should be, biblically. After identifying the two biblical offices, the next step is to dig into each of those offices. This is a continuing discussion in our series, “Stewards of the Bride.” Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Stewards of the Bride: How Many Offices are there in the Church?

Before we can start with the questions What is role of women in the ministry?, Who is a pastor?, or What is deacon?, we need to ask, What is an office and how many are there in the local church? This is the foundational question for this episode Salty Believer Unscripted. Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they seek to unpack and answer the question, “What is an office with in the local church and how many are their?” How we answer this question will set the rest of our answers in motion. Avoiding this question causes the remainder of the questions to open up to more confusion. We’ve got to get this one right. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Stewards of the Bride: Confusion in the Church

On this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker opened the episode with a frustrated question about why the Church is confused by the role of Pastor, women in ministry, offices in the Church, and why the Church seems so broken today. If not the Church as a whole, at least the Church in American seems broken. And if not the Church in American, certainly in the Southern Baptist Convention is confused. As questions about gender have impacted the Church, debates still rage even after 2,000 years of the Church age. Why is it all broken? What is a Pastor? Who is a Pastor? What is the role of women in the Church, ministry, and leadership? What is an Elder? What is a Deacon? What does the Bible say about all of it and why does tradition have so much influence in this area? Is it time for another reformation? These are the questions that undergird the larger question, “Who and what are the stewards of the Bride?” That’s the series we’re entering on Salt Believer Unscripted and this introduction episode sets the stage. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Christians, Politics, and Elections

On this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman discuss 7 warning for Christians as we engage in politics. They specifically looked as these warnings through the lens of specific examples with the recent Republican debate and the Donald Trump interview with Tucker Carlson. How should Christians engage in politics and to what extent? The seeds of this topic come from an article on Salty Believer Unscripted titled, “Seven Warnings For Christians During this Election Season.” Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Pride like a Donkey

Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they discuss the disaster of pride in ministry. From time to time, pastors, professors, authors, and others get puffed up, even to the point of becoming a donkey. Josiah asked Bryan to interact with the following Martin Luther quote: "If you are highly pleased when someone praises you in the presence of others; if you perhaps look for praise, and would sulk or quit what you are doing if you did not get it--if you are of that stripe, dear friend, then take yourself by the ears, and if you do this in the right way you will find a beautiful of big, long, shaggy donkey ears." Then, they discussed the dangers and how to avoid them. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

When Disaster Strikes

Join Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman as they discuss disaster. Why does the world get so enthralled with disaster? We ask ourselves big questions when disasters happen, and we should, but do we ever take the time to think through the answers? Why are we so intrigued by disasters in the first place? What does the Bible say about disaster. They answer these questions and more in this episode. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Parishioners and Mission within the Church

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Pastors Shawn Dobbins and Mark Whitaker to talk about the role of the typical parishioner in mission work. How does a church create a heart for mission in the entire church rather than in just a small group of folks? Hebron Baptist Church is doing this well and Shawn and Mark share some of what they are doing with Bryan Catherman. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Do Christians Still Think About the Ethics of IVF?

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Bryan Catherman and Josiah Walker talk about the ethics of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). This was a hot topic in recent history but Christians have moved on to the next hot topic. Is IFV a good thing, bad thing, or something in between? What about cloning? What happens to the unused embryos? Are Christians even talking about this anymore? Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit

Does Church Matter More in Hard Times than Easy?

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted Bryan Catherman and Josiah Walker delve into a quote by Ray Ortlund, who argues that in the face of adversity, it's the deeply-rooted churches that retain their significance. Ray Ortlund says, "One benefit of these hard times: every unserious, shallow, giggly church is obviously irrelevant. But churches of deep purpose matter.” Are these turbulent times revealing the true essence of the Church? Does its importance wane during times of ease? Listen in on this discussion as we question the role and relevance of light-hearted churches during tough times. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit