Unscripted: "Is This the End of the World?" (With Dr. Malcolm Yarnell)

People are talking about the end of the world. On top of COVID-19/coronavirus, Salt Lake City was shaken by a 5.7 earthquake followed by more than 100 after shocks. Store shelves are empty. “Zombie apocalypse” is a phrase that comes up in conversation a little more. As our thinking moves toward end-times topics, how should we talk about eschatology (the study of end-times) with others? Suddenly, the book of Revelation is getting more attention. How should we approach this book?

Bryan Catherman and Jared Jenkins sat down with Dr. Malcolm Yarnell to talk about how it all fits together within a Christian worldview. Dr. Yarnell is a Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Southerwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and the teaching pastor at Lakeside Baptist Church in Granbury, Texas. Listen to this episode, “Is This the End of the World?“ here:

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