A Challenge for the New Year

By Lisa Catherman

As one year ends and another begins, we often spend time reflecting on the things that we accomplished, the areas of joy and struggle, and the changes we'd like to make for the new year. It's funny how this arbitrary moment on the clock does this to us, but I know that it does. Over the years I've been a Christian, I've had some years that are better than others. Only one thing has truly made a difference—God.

I've had years and seasons of suffering. When I clung to God, I could still praise Him and rejoice that it was good even in the midst of the pain. But in other sessons when chose to turn away from God, to sin, to let bitterness, anger, or resentment consume me, I didn't count those seasons as joy.

I know we live in a sinful, fallen world full of brokenness, pain, and suffering, but we are not alone. I believe as we cling more to God, abiding in Him, he strengthens and equips us to live in this world. He never forsakes us! As you make News Years Resolutions, may I encourage you that your priority be to spend more time with God. Spend time in His word, pray more, worship more, give thanks to Him more. God loves you. He wants to woo you. He desires you! Respond.