"Be Reconciled to God" (2 Cor. 5:17-21)

I go through seasons when God works out one big idea with me. Often, they are challenging seasons. In these seasons, I see the one big idea over and over again, no matter where I’m looking. It comes up in my devotional reading, prayer, conversations, sermons, and even in some unexpected places. In this season, the idea has had a great deal to do with preaching the gospel to my own soul. How does the gospel speak into my life daily? How does the gospel of Jesus redeem my situation today? How do Christians see the necessity of the gospel all around them?

It’s been a life-changing seasons. And it is changing my ministry.

In addition, I’m asking, “what’s stopping Christians from sharing the gospel?” I suppose one roadblock is found in the reality that we don’t know how to help our brothers and sisters walking out of brokenness and into the gospel. Neither do we know how to preach the gospel to ourselves. Maybe we really don’t trust it like we should? I’ve been in a season that’s teaching me this big idea and I’ve been sharing this idea with all the mission teams that have come to work with me at Redeeming Life in Salt Lake.

From where does God give me the strength to be transformed in his design?

The above sermon is my attempt to articulate what I’ve learned in this season and answer how we preach the gospel to ourselves. I preached this sermon at FBC Floresville in Texas back in March of 2018. I hope you find it helpful and I pray it helps you walk faithfully in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

For the Kingdom!
Bryan Catherman