Commit to Pray for an Unreached Place in 2016

At this time of year, many people make resolutions.  Often, these resolution are about self-improvement; but they certainly don't have to be so selfish.   Might you be willing to resolve to pray for the mission work in an unreached place?  Maybe just once per month for 1 year?  

I'd like to make this really easy for you.  

J.D. Payne and many others have identified Salt Lake City as an unreach place.  Most studies find that only 2% of the population is evangelical Christian.  I am working as a church-planting missionary in the West side of Salt Lake City and I'm the pastor of a new church called Redeeming Life Church.  It's hard work and I covet your prayers.  Will you resolve to pray for our work for one year?  Even as little as once a month?   

I'm starting a monthly newsletter.  It will include a brief update of what's happening in our mission field and how lives are being redeemed by the power of the Gospel.  It will also give you a good idea how to pray for the work.  When you see it arrive in your inbox, it will serve as a monthly reminder so you won't fail in your resolution this year.  Too easy!  (Click here to sign up.) 

* As an added bonus, I will give away a book each month (starting in January) by randomly drawing from the subscriber list.   The first book is Jeff Christopherson's, Kingdom First: Starting Churches That Shape Movements.  


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