"Discontinuity to Continuity" by Benjamin Merkle

In the video below, Bryan Catherman reviews and recommends Benjamin Merkle's book, Discontinuity to Continuity: A Survey of Dispensational & Convenatal Theologies (Lexham Press, 2020). While the book is like a 4-views book, there's something that distinctly different and that is why it's worth considering. The book is a survey of the 6 views but Merkle gets the info from the top writers from each of the views. In a systematic fashion, Merkle explores the spectrum from Classic Dispensationalism, to Revised Dispensationalism, to Progressive Dispensationalism to Progressive Covenantalism, to Covenant Theology, to Christian Reconstructionalism. It sounds like a lot, but it’s much easier to work through it in six views rather than a simplified two views, that is Dispensationalism vs. Conventionalism. Furthermore, it’s helpful to see that degrees of difference even within discontinuity and continuity.

If you have little idea about the differences between dispensational theology and covenant theology, this is a great place to start. I highly recommend Discontinuity to Continuity by Benjamin Merkle.

Here’s a more detailed recommendation of the book:

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