Fear Not! "Can the World Handle Mad Max?" (with Dr. Adam Groza)

There are thoughts bouncing around in our brains that have turned into conversations in the less public corners. COVID-19/coronavirus is bringing strange things to the surface. We’re thinking about conspiracy theories, numbers, police states, Machiavelli, rebellion, shame, group think, safety, and so much more. How do Christians respond with God’s Truth rather than going along with thoughts baked in fear of the unknown? How do pastors lead in the soup of this trying season?

Dr. Adam Groza (Vice President of Gateway Seminary and Professor at Cal Baptist) joined Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman for a podcast about his forthcoming book, Faith Wins: Overcoming a Crisis of Belief (New Hope, 2020). As soon as that episode ended and the recording light went off, a conversation came out that might have fit a scene from the 1980 film, “Mad Max.” Knowing that we’re not the only ones battling these ideas, we decided to hit record again and ask the question, how does a pastor lead in light of this undercurrent coming to the surface? Listen to this episode, “Can the World Handle Mad Max?” (with Dr. Adam Groza) here:

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