Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund

There’s a great deal of buzz about Dan Ortland’s Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Suffers (Crossway, 2020). For the most part, the talk is extremely positive and complementary. Yet, there have a handful of reviews criticizing Ortland, and arguing that God is coming again in great judgement and wrath. Unfortunately, the negative reviews seem to miss the Scripture Ortlund is discussing regarding those who are in Christ and who will escape the judgement unbelievers will face. That’s the point of God’s heart, as Ortlund argues page after page in this book. It seems those reviewers may have read the title only. Sadly, they’ve come after the book with a hypercritical eye and a hot anger that seems to fuel the internet lately. However, the greater majority of readers have found wonderful blessing from reading Gentle and Lowly.

Writing to believers in Christ, Ortlund seeks to show God’s heart for redeemed people. Too often, Christians, now bought by the blood of Jesus Christ, still seek to appease God as if they remain under the wrath of God’s judgement. They try to work out and earn God’s love for themselves, yet they have no place or ability to work out that which God has already won. Ortland examines Scripture in the style and approach of the Puritans. Wringing out every drop from every word of a single verse, this book becomes a wonderful encouragement for the believer to draw even closer to a God who loves them.

There are many ways to got a great deal out of Ortlud’s Gentle and Lowly. Here’s a brief video discussing some ideas:

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