Headed into a Great Future
/Nearly a decade ago, I started SlatyBeliever.com because I felt like material I was learning in seminary should be made available to others without the need to go broke. So I started sharing stuff from my papers and reviews of books I was reading at the time. I wasn't qualified to teach, nor was I the best source, but there wasn't much out there, and I was thrilled to do something to change that. That was nearly a decade ago, and by the grace of God, I still enjoy making resources available (even if my doctoral work bogged me down for a season).
Jared Jenkins and I started "Salty Believer Unscripted" as a way to share conversations among pastors and ministers that the Jiffy-Lube Joe wasn't often wasn't able to take part. We felt like those conversations should be extended to anybody interested, so we started recording them. We've had many remarkable guests along the way and I hope to have many more. I'm also thrilled that Brett Ricley has picked up hosting responsibilities with me in this journey and will help me carry this podcast well into the future.
From time to time, I posted videos resources, but not as many as I would have liked. If possible, I would love to have so many resources available that bible study teaches, ministers, missionaries, pastors, and many others might have ample training available on this site and that the training would greatly help them for the work of ministry. Brett and I are working on a plan for more.
So I'm elated that we've made website and equipment upgrades. As I finish my doctoral work soon, I hope to post more videos, more articles and book reviews, more podcast, and even some live-streaming events so you can join in the conversation. And I hope to bring other guest writers onboard.
I beg that you will keep this ministry in your prayers. We would love to have more podcast guests, more opportunities to help equip the saints for the work of ministry, and more financial resources to do even more. I hope you might consider partnering in prayer with us at SaltyBeliever.com. You might also consider helping us out by subscribing to our YouTube channel and podcast feed. Like us on Facebook and keep up with what we're doing. We'd also love to hear from you. How might we improve what we're doing to with this ministry?
Thanks for your support and prayers over the years!
Bryan Catherman