James 1:27
James 1:27. Preached by Bryan Catherman.
It's generally understood that James the Just authored the book called James, found in the New Testament of our Bibles. James was the half-brother of Jesus (Matt 13:55), and, as is seen in Acts 15, is the leader of the church in Jerusalem. From his book, we can see that James was all about walking the walk. He believed that living out our faith means that we should be doers, not just hearers, and especially not just big talkers. It's important to realize that James is not saying that salvation comes from doing, but that doing is a way in which the believer develops and grows. It's an outward sign of our inward believe.
At a time when my ministry to aid and pray with the homeless in Salt Lake City was really picking up, I was given an assignment to preach on James 1:27. (The passage truly starts with verse 26, but the assignment only called for 1:27.) If social justice is your thing, this text is your battle cry.
(To meet YouTube time restrictions, the prayers were cut from these videos.)
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
It's generally understood that James the Just authored the book called James, found in the New Testament of our Bibles. James was the half-brother of Jesus (Matt 13:55), and, as is seen in Acts 15, is the leader of the church in Jerusalem. From his book, we can see that James was all about walking the walk. He believed that living out our faith means that we should be doers, not just hearers, and especially not just big talkers. It's important to realize that James is not saying that salvation comes from doing, but that doing is a way in which the believer develops and grows. It's an outward sign of our inward believe.
At a time when my ministry to aid and pray with the homeless in Salt Lake City was really picking up, I was given an assignment to preach on James 1:27. (The passage truly starts with verse 26, but the assignment only called for 1:27.) If social justice is your thing, this text is your battle cry.
(26) If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. (27) Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. [James 1:26-27, ESV]Part 1:
(To meet YouTube time restrictions, the prayers were cut from these videos.)
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
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* While there may be some overlap, the content of the Video and Audio Podcasts are not the same.