Overview of Eschatology
Salt Believer Unscripted has embarked into the future, that is, we've started a series that looks at eschatology. This is not to say that we're going to start wearing sandwich boards that read, "The end is near." We're not going to scream through a bullhorn. And we don't need to identify The Anti-Christ because the Apostle John already has (in 1 John 2:22 he says he's anybody who denies the Father and the Son). No, we're simply walking through an overview of eschatology.
If we're not going to get over-excited about end times symbolism and preach every sermon about our view of the end, why are we doing it? Well, because we want to do our best to understand Scripture. Avoiding specific Scriptural teaching just because people get crazy about it and it's kind of strange is not a sound practice for a student of the Bible. Also, because Revelation 1:3 says, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near." If people are blessed to read the book of Revelation, that is stands to reason that we probably ought to study it. I suspect the same is true of Isaiah, Matthew, Daniel, the letters of the Paul, and all the other books of the Canon. And finally, because a listener asked after seeing a trailer for a Hollywood's attempt to explain it.
If you'd like to join us for this series, subscribe to our podcast or find the series on the resource page of Saltybeliever.com.
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*Artwork by Phillip Medhurst is registered under a Creative Commons Licence.
If we're not going to get over-excited about end times symbolism and preach every sermon about our view of the end, why are we doing it? Well, because we want to do our best to understand Scripture. Avoiding specific Scriptural teaching just because people get crazy about it and it's kind of strange is not a sound practice for a student of the Bible. Also, because Revelation 1:3 says, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near." If people are blessed to read the book of Revelation, that is stands to reason that we probably ought to study it. I suspect the same is true of Isaiah, Matthew, Daniel, the letters of the Paul, and all the other books of the Canon. And finally, because a listener asked after seeing a trailer for a Hollywood's attempt to explain it.
If you'd like to join us for this series, subscribe to our podcast or find the series on the resource page of Saltybeliever.com.
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*Artwork by Phillip Medhurst is registered under a Creative Commons Licence.