A Look at End Times, AKA: "An Overview of Eschatology"
A part of the ministry of SaltyBeliever.com is a podcast called Salty Believer Unscripted. You can find our podcasts on our Resources Page or subscribe to it on iTunes. (A selection of them are also available at EntrustedWithTheGospel.com.)
If you've never listened to "Salty Believer Unscripted," it's basically an unscripted, unedited 20 to 30 minute conversation between pastors that's recorded so you can join in. We typically select a series topic (but not always) and chat over coffee. We just finished a series called "An Overview of Eschatology" which takes a look at what the Bible has to say about the end times. (At the time of this post, we're recording a series of podcast with other church planters and pastors, getting a feel for what's happening in the ministry of church planting across the country.)
Eschatology is kind of a funny thing. Either people are excessively into it and it dictates how they think about everything or they really don't have an opinion or thought about it at all. This, I think, is primarily because people are so influenced by how they've seen others behave rather than what the Bible says. So Jared Jenkins, Benjamin Pierce, Brett Ricely, and I set out to introduce and discuss some of the ideas contained in the study of Eschatology. And in case you're wondering, we start with "What does Eschatology mean?"
Through this discussion, we cover topics like how we should interpret prophecy, where to find end times stuff in the Bible, why is studying eschatology important, the millenium, the tribulation, and the state of both heaven and hell. Hopefully this will help you on your journey to better understand eschatology. Are you a premillennialist, amillennialist, or postmillennialist? How do you understand books like Revelation, Matthew, Daniel, and Isaiah; and what are they saying about the end? What's your view on the tribulation and rapture? Are you a litterlisist, historicists, or something else? What is the New Heavens and New Earth like? What's going to happen to this earth? Why should we care? We hope to help you answer these and many other questions. However, we only offer a brief overview. We don't get too bogged down.
Whether you have an interest in the end times or if you've never thought about it, I hope you'll consider checking out our Salty Believer Unscripted series, "An Overview of Eschatology."
Subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted Podcasts:
iTunes | Non iTunes
Or listen here:
An Overview of Eschatology
-- An Intro of the Terms audio
-- Prophecy: A Difficult Task audio
-- The Near-Far Views of Prophecy audio
-- Scripture, Not Man's Ideas audio
-- Definitions: How We See Prophecy audio
-- Understanding the Millennium audio
-- Why We Should Study for Ourselves audio
-- The Tribulation and Rapture audio
-- The The Glory and Wonder of Heaven audio
-- Hell is for Real audio
*Artwork by flickr.com user, "Rich" is registered under a creative commons license and used by permission.
If you've never listened to "Salty Believer Unscripted," it's basically an unscripted, unedited 20 to 30 minute conversation between pastors that's recorded so you can join in. We typically select a series topic (but not always) and chat over coffee. We just finished a series called "An Overview of Eschatology" which takes a look at what the Bible has to say about the end times. (At the time of this post, we're recording a series of podcast with other church planters and pastors, getting a feel for what's happening in the ministry of church planting across the country.)
Eschatology is kind of a funny thing. Either people are excessively into it and it dictates how they think about everything or they really don't have an opinion or thought about it at all. This, I think, is primarily because people are so influenced by how they've seen others behave rather than what the Bible says. So Jared Jenkins, Benjamin Pierce, Brett Ricely, and I set out to introduce and discuss some of the ideas contained in the study of Eschatology. And in case you're wondering, we start with "What does Eschatology mean?"
Through this discussion, we cover topics like how we should interpret prophecy, where to find end times stuff in the Bible, why is studying eschatology important, the millenium, the tribulation, and the state of both heaven and hell. Hopefully this will help you on your journey to better understand eschatology. Are you a premillennialist, amillennialist, or postmillennialist? How do you understand books like Revelation, Matthew, Daniel, and Isaiah; and what are they saying about the end? What's your view on the tribulation and rapture? Are you a litterlisist, historicists, or something else? What is the New Heavens and New Earth like? What's going to happen to this earth? Why should we care? We hope to help you answer these and many other questions. However, we only offer a brief overview. We don't get too bogged down.
Whether you have an interest in the end times or if you've never thought about it, I hope you'll consider checking out our Salty Believer Unscripted series, "An Overview of Eschatology."
iTunes | Non iTunes
Or listen here:
An Overview of Eschatology
-- An Intro of the Terms audio
-- Prophecy: A Difficult Task audio
-- The Near-Far Views of Prophecy audio
-- Scripture, Not Man's Ideas audio
-- Definitions: How We See Prophecy audio
-- Understanding the Millennium audio
-- Why We Should Study for Ourselves audio
-- The Tribulation and Rapture audio
-- The The Glory and Wonder of Heaven audio
-- Hell is for Real audio
*Artwork by flickr.com user, "Rich" is registered under a creative commons license and used by permission.