SBU: "Commitment"

With all that has been going on in 2020, we’ve been a bit hit-and-miss with the podcast. We’re really sorry about that. It’s our hope however, to get back into the regular swing of things in 2021. To help us, we have a new podcast intern (whatever that is). Please join us in welcoming Robbie Tschorn! As has been the case with all of our past interns, his challenge is to get the podcast a Chick-Fil-A sponsorship. We know it’s unlikely, but why not shoot for something big, right?

Back to the podcast.

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Jared Jenkins, Bryan Catherman, and Robbie the Intern are discussing the importance of commitment. The christian should be committed to sanctification and growth. How does he or she stay committed? Listen to to learn more. You can hear this episode, “Commitment” here:

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