SBU: The Preacher's Preachers

We’re excited to start a new Salty Believer Unscripted series. We’re calling it, “The Preacher’s Preachers.” In this series, we’ll be discussing why it’s important for preachers to listen to the preached Word of God from other faithful preachers. And we’ll be asking who the preachers seek out. To whom do they listen? Why?

We believe this series will make the case for the importance of the preached Word, while also introducing both preachers and non-preachers to other preaching. It’s highly likely we’ll hear about faithful preachers who aren’t in the popular circles at the moment. It’s also possible we might shift our thinking about who we should listen to and why.

In this first episode, Bryan Catherman, Josiah Walker, and Robbie Tschorn discuss why they feel it’s so important for preachers to listen to other preachers. Listen to the introduction to this new series here:

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