SBU: "Welcome Back: Introduction"


It’s likely going to be more difficult coming out of COVID pandemic than it was to get into it. Stories in the news report of businesses demanding people hold to higher standers in their stores than the local governments are mandating. Some are even saying they plan to remain on hight alert and be save long after the virus is gone. Just as there was a group of people who were resistant to masks and argued with many about it, there will be people who are resistant to the removal of masks and will argue with intensity about it. As some are vaccinated and others will yet be, vaccines will be the next avenue by which people will be divided, shamed, and the like. Opinions still differ greatly.

The Church was thrust into the pandemic with little thought or preparation, but that’s not how we have to come out of the pandemic. In this series, “Welcome Back!” Salty Believer Unscripted is discussing what it may look like for the church to come out of the pandemic. Of course, it’s not absolute, but we hope this discussion will start generating discussion and thought so we can get a ahead of the possibilities.

The first episode is an introduction for the series. Join Josiah Walker, Robbie Tschorn, and Bryan Catherman as they discuss some of the big topics that we hope to cover in this series. Listen to the Introduction here:

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