This is the Place to Start Good Discipleship

How do we do discipleship? Where do we start? Many things contribute to good discipleship, but few produce as lasting fruit as sitting under the preached Word of God over a lifetime. It's God's design for the local church. It's also how most Christians have been (and are still being) discipled. So many people will say it was by being in church for so long that they grew, and when you drill down, you’ll find the bulk of that was through the Sunday gathering over the course of many years. Teaching our children how to listen to preaching well is a gift that will bless them forever. This is an early and lasting spiritual growth and transformation step for most.

Christopher Ash's little book (booklet), Listen Up!: A Practical Guide to Listening to Sermons is a helpful tool. It's an easy and convicting read on the topic. It’s one you could read around the dinner table with your family and then commit to doing. Few things are better for discipling your children than showing them what it looks like to go to church well. Listen Up! helps us do just that even better.

Mark Dever says, “We give Listen Up to all our new members.” Vaughan Roberts says, “A great resource to help grow a new generation of believers who both tremble at God’s word and are changed by it.” If you want to grow and help your family grow too, this book is well worth your attention.