Unscripted: Mission Trips During COVID?

Opening church buildings for in-person worship services has been controversial inside and outside the Church. Ministry work has shifted during the coronavirus/COVID pandemic, and many are asking what Kingdom work should look like now and on the other side of the COVID season. How does the Church do ministry work in a pandemic? What if this continues for years? What about the next time a pandemic hits? These are important questions. We must address what it means to obey the Great Commandment and Great Commission in light of the challenges of pandemic, persecution, and changing dynamics of the Church in the world.

Matt Longworth led a short-term mission team from Forest Hills Baptist Church in Franklin, Tennessee to Utah to work with Redeeming Life Church. They were faithful, flexible, and had to practice many safety precautions they couldn’t have anticipated when they started planning the trip six-months earlier.

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Matt and Bryan discuss what happened (nobody got COVID), the pros and cons, how we should think about short-term mission trips in the future, and why faithfulness should always be key when it comes to going on short-term mission trips. Listen to this episode here:

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