What is the Purpose of the Church According to Howard Hendricks
/In the late 1980s, Howard Hendricks considered Chad Walch's idea about what the church might look like in the early 21st Century. Walch figured that the church would have just enough Christianity to miss the mark of the Kingdom of God. It's amazing to see this video 30-years later and see how it turned out.
Hendrick's consideration of this question launched him into a conversation about the purpose of the Church. He asked three questions. 1. What is the purpose of the Church? 2. What is the role of the pastor? 3. What kind of leadership does it take to make an impact on our society? In the powerful, easy-to-listen-to style of Prof Hendricks, Howard addresses the very things our present church may be loosing. Opening to Acts 2:42-47, he launches into the answers to the above questions.
What are the essential components of a New Testament church? Long before Mark Dever asked this question and identified 9 marks of a church, Hendricks saw that there are four components in Acts 2:42-47.
If we are going to call ourselves Christians, we must know the Word of God and let it define us. As Christians, we discover (in the book) that the Church is God's plan A. There is no plan B. So what is the purpose of the Church? Christians must know if we're going to be the Church.