A Challenge for the New Year

By Lisa Catherman

As one year ends and another begins, we often spend time reflecting on the things that we accomplished, the areas of joy and struggle, and the changes we'd like to make for the new year. It's funny how this arbitrary moment on the clock does this to us, but I know that it does. Over the years I've been a Christian, I've had some years that are better than others. Only one thing has truly made a difference—God.

I've had years and seasons of suffering. When I clung to God, I could still praise Him and rejoice that it was good even in the midst of the pain. But in other sessons when chose to turn away from God, to sin, to let bitterness, anger, or resentment consume me, I didn't count those seasons as joy.

I know we live in a sinful, fallen world full of brokenness, pain, and suffering, but we are not alone. I believe as we cling more to God, abiding in Him, he strengthens and equips us to live in this world. He never forsakes us! As you make News Years Resolutions, may I encourage you that your priority be to spend more time with God. Spend time in His word, pray more, worship more, give thanks to Him more. God loves you. He wants to woo you. He desires you! Respond.

"Building Healthy Churches" (9Marks) Book Club

I love the idea of a book club around a more significant theme, where each simple book feeds into one aspect of that theme. Building healthy churches is a good theme, and I'm thankful for Mark Dever's outline of books for just such a trek. In light of this idea, I'm starting three book clubs for 2020. Each will use the same monthly selected book. Participants can attend any one or more of the monthly meetings. Two meetings will be in-person, and one will be over Zoom.

The books will follow the video Mark provided (above).

JanuaryExpositional Preaching, by David Helm
FebruaryBiblical Theology, by Nick Roark & Robert Cline
MarchSound Doctrine, by Bobby Jamieson
AprilThe Gospel, by Ray Ortlund
MayConversion, by Michael Lawrence
JuneEvangelism, by Mack Stiles
JulyChurch Membership, by Jonathan Leeman
AugustChurch Discipline, by Jonathan Leeman
SeptemberChurch Elders, by Jeramie Rinne
OctoberDiscipling, by Mark Dever
NovemberPrayer, by John Onwuchekwa
DecemberMissions, by Andy Johnson

9Marks offers all 12 books for $72 in a bundle. Follow this link to learn more.

Rules for Safe Play:
Anyone can participate in this book club; however, there are some rules so everyone can get the most out of the intention of this club.

1. Participants will be required read the month's selected book prior to the Zoom meeting in order to be a part of the discussion.

2. The discussion topic of this book club is the topic of the month's selected book (listed above). Therefore, we will not introduce topics that are off-topic or beyond the topic of the month's selected book.

3. This club is a conservative Christian book club and assumes the Bible is true and that the Bible is the Word of God. Conservative, orthodox Christianity is the assumed worldview of this book club.

4. 9Marks is an organization that is theologically reformed (a.k.a., Calvinists), as are the selected books and most of the book club participants. Therefore, we will not use these meetings to argue for or against reformed theology.

Zoom Meetings.
Zoom is an easy-to-use, video conferencing software that can be used on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. SaltyBeliever.com has an account and can accommodate large groups. We'll also record the meetings and provide a link to those who were signed up but missed the meeting. Although subject to change, the Zoom meetings are scheduled as follows:

January 27th, 9 AM (MST)
March 2nd, 9 AM (MST)
March 30th, 9 AM (MST)
April 27th, 9 AM (MST)
May 18th, 9 AM (MST)
June 22nd, 9 AM (MST)
August 3rd, 9 AM (MST)
August 31st, 9 AM (MST)
September 28th, 9 AM (MST)
October 26th, 9 AM (MST)
November 23rd, 9 AM (MST)
December 28th, 9 AM (MST)

Sign up to receive an invitation to the Zoom meetings by following this link: https://forms.gle/tzVkhaLHw8EXQQgZ8

In-Person Meetings.
The Thursday group will meet at the 4th West Lee's Marketplace in downtown Salt Lake (255 North 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84103). However, because it won't be open in time for our meeting in January, we'll use the Lee's Marketplace in North Salt Lake for January only (725 Redwood Road, North Salt Lake, UT 84054). Lee's has donuts, breakfast food, and coffee. And the new Store Director is a great guy.

The Saturday group will meet at the North Salt Lake Lee's (725 Redwood Road, North Salt Lake, UT 84054) and we won't switch to the downtown. We'll remain at this location for the year.

Below are the dates for the first two months for each group. We'll schedule the subsequent few times at our first meeting.

Thursday Group:
January 30th, 9 AM
February 20th, 9 AM

Saturday Group:
February 1st, 8 AM
February 22nd, 8 AM

Please let me know if you're planning to attend either of these two in-person groups. (If you don't have my number, email, or are connected with me on social media, you may contact me here.)

With the nuts and bolts out of the way, it’s time to sign up, get your books, and start reading. See you at a book club gathering!
Bryan Catherman

SBU: "Talk Amongst Yourselves" (Isaiah 66 and Galatians 5)

Bryan Catherman and Jared Jenkins each selected verses they found insightful, interesting, and personal from their devotional reading to discuss. In this episode of our series, “Talk Amongst Yourselves,” they chat about Isaiah 66:18-21 and Galatians 5:25. Actually, they look at these verses in context and have a discussion. Listen to this episode, “Isaiah 66 and Galatians 5” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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SBU: "Talk Amongst Yourselves" (Reading Plans, Isaiah 54, and Luke 13)

Bryan Catherman and Jared Jenkins have started a new, simple series. In this podcast series, they' are talking about Scripture that God illuminated to them during the week. In other words, these are Scriptures that the guys found interesting, insightful, or convicting. And then they just talk about them. Join in the conversation and think about what they are saying. Is it helpful? Do you have some thoughts on the passage? By listening, you can get a feel for how Pastors talk about Scripture when they get coffee together.

In this first episode, they start with the importance of having a reading plan. Then they talk about Isaiah 54:9-10 and Luke 13:22-29. Listen to this episode here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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SBU: "A Change of Affection: An Interview with Becket Cook" (part 2)

Becket Cook joined us on Salty Believer Unscripted to talk about his new book, A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption. And the guys chatted about much more. Can a person be a gay Christian? How should pastors approach the topic of homosexuality? How should Christians care for their LGBTQ+ friends and family while still holding to the truth of the Bible? What was Becket’s experience in the church then and now? What should someone struggling with same-sex attraction do? They discussed this and much more in our series, “A Change of Affection.”

Listen to the second part of our two part interview here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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SBU: "A Change of Affection: An Interview With Becket Cook" (part 1)

Author, Becket Cook joined Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman to chat about his new book, A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption. Cook is a Christian, but that has not always been so. Cook has also been at the pinnacle of a worldly career with worldly eyes and found it meaningless and empty. Cook’s identity was intertwined with his homosexuality. Yet, Cook felt empty. All of that changed when God changed Cook.

In this 2-part interview, Becket Cook shares his amazing story and talks about his book too. Listen to Part 1 here:

Buy A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption wherever you by your favorite books or follow the link.

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men?

Copyrighted image used as an educational sample for educational purposes.

* Be warned; this is about to get nerdy. But if you like grammar, Greek, history, or controversy, then you might enjoy what's coming. *

If you open to the King James translation of Luke 2:14, you'll find that it says, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." From this verse, we get many Christmas decorations, cards, and songs that say something to the effect of "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men." Is this what the verse is saying?

The KJV verse is broken into three clauses. Glory to God, peace on earth, and good will toward men. However, if you open to most other translations, you'll find something a little different. The CSB, for example, reads, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people he favors!" This verse is constructed in two clauses. Glory to God and peace to those who have God's favor.

What's going on here?

Believe it or not, it's the difference of one letter: Sigma (like the s in English). But the location of the sigma (or lack thereof) makes a difference.

In the English language, we use word order to indicate which noun is the direct object (doing the action) and which is the indirect object (receiving the action). In Greek, this is determined by the ending of the word (case ending) because word-order is used for something else. In English, an apostrophe followed by the letter s indicates possession. In Greek, a different case ending suggests possession. The direct object is called the nominative case, and the possessive is called the genitive case.

In some manuscripts, the word is εὐδοκίας (note the last letter), and in others, the word is εὐδοκία (no ς on the end). By the way, this word means favor, good will, or pleasure. Without the ς the word is nominative (a direct object); with the ς the word is genitive (or the possession of another noun).

If the manuscripts that have the word in the nomitave case (direct object) are correct, then the last three words of this verse (ἐν ἀνθρώποις εὐδοκία) are a clause on their own. Because word order doesn't matter but the case endings do, the statement would be "favor to people." This clause would mean the angels are singing about three things.

If the manuscripts in the genitive case are correct, then the favor toward people belongs to someone or something. It is modifying something, specifically something in the normative case (a direct object). If this is true, the direct object in this clause would be the word peace. On earth and favor toward people belong to peace.

Which is it? Which translation is wrong?

Here is yet another circumstance where the King James Version was correct at the time because the translators had a limited number of Greek manuscripts with which to work. There's a group of manuscripts that seem to have dropped the sigma, making the word a direct object. Given what they had to work with, they translated this in a way it should have been translated.

However, thanks to a great deal of archeology and other finds, we have many more manuscripts than the KJV team had. Many of the manuscripts we have available today, came from a much earlier period. They demonstrate that the sigma had been dropped off at some point. Most manuscript experts and language scholars believe the genitive case is correct, and the presence of the sigma is right.

There are only two clauses, which seem clear and straightforward when diagraming and translating this verse.

While this may be problematic for your favorite Christmas song, we should have a correct understanding of this verse. There are theological ramifications here. As the TCGNT notes, "The meaning seems to be, not that divine peace can be bestowed only where human good will is already present, but that at the birth of the Saviour God's peace rests on those whom he has chosen in accord with his good pleasure" (111).

The Long Walk Home by Matt Carter

Carter, Matt. A Long Walk Home: Discovering the Fullness of Life in the Love of the Father.  Nashville, Tenn: B&H, 2019.  

Matt Carter has written a good book. It's not earth-shattering. It's not poetic. It's not mind-blowing. It's not fadish or trendy or bound in 2019. It's just a good book. But there's something refreshing about this good book among the many other popular-level offerings this year.  

It's easy to recommend this good book to a friend, regardless of where he or she might be on the Christian journey. It's easy to talk about The Long Walk Home by Matt Carter because it's a good book. Carter has written a good book; it's just that simple.  

In this book, Carter set out to answer the question, "If I go all-in following God, am I missing out on the best life has to offer?" Actually, he set out to answer many raw, honest questions, but this one is at the heart of them all. If the answer to this question is unsettled, it doesn't matter what comes of the other questions. "Does God really love me despite my failures?" Even if God does, what will it matter if I think I'm missing out on the best life has to offer? "Do my doubts and questions about faith make God think less of me?" Who cares if God thinks highly of me when I think I'm missing out on the best parts of life? "Do I have a future in the family of God despite my past?" Do I even want to be in the family of God if it means I think I'll miss out on something better?  
The most honest question lingering in the back of the mind is Carter's first question, and he does an outstanding job tackling this question. To get at the heart of this inquiry, Carter walks his readers through the story of the Prodigal Son. It's a famous parable told by Jesus, and it becomes the framework for the book.     

There were some other insightful and fascinating moments in the book. One I found the most thought-provoking (and could be an entirely separate book) was Carter's discussion on loneliness and the impact of social media. I have shared his thoughts on this with many people since reading the book. He hits the nail on the head and then deals with the problem. But it's not a new problem. The prodigal son had the same problem.  

If this book had any shortcomings, they are found it two places. First, the cover seemed to roll back too easily. I'm not one to be rough on my books, but the paper seemed to want to curl open naturally. This problem may seem minor, but those who don't like having their books stay open when laying flat on a table understand my issue. The second issue is also trivial and didn't give me any problem, but it might be worth mentioning. Carter is Generation X. Most of his personal stories and illustrations were well suited for Generation X readers. Some unimaginative readers may struggle to relate. For example, Carter shares stories about a time before social media. For most, this shouldn't be an issue, but it does cause the work to be more timely rather than timeless. 

I found Matt Carter's book so helpful that I'm planning on using it for a men's book club and study. I may also use his forthcoming study materials.  

Purchase The Long Walk Home by Matt Carter wherever you buy your favorite books. 

It's All About Jesus: "Jonah"

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman explore where we see Jesus Christ in the book of Jonah. The series is called, “It’s All About Jesus” and this episode is focused on Jonah. If you’re not already subscribed wherever you listen to podcast, we encourage you to subscribe. You can also listen to this episode, “Jonah” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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It's All About Jesus: "Proverbs"

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman discuss where we find Jesus in the book of Proverbs. It’s not just the fortune cookie of the Bible. It’s a book about Christ and it teaches us much about God. Even the Proverbs 31 women is more than a good earthly wife. Listen to this episode here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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"Hearing the Voice of God" with Alex Absalom

Alex and Hannah Absalom have finished the first book in their new series, “The Naturally Supernatural Life.” The book is called Hearing the Voice of God. Alex joined Bryan Catherman to discuss his book on Salty Believer Unscripted. Listen to their discussion here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Inside the UISBC Podcast Series

Bryan Catherman and Jared Jenkins (co-hosts of “Salty Believer Unscripted”) are both pastors of churches in the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention. Yes, they’re Southern Baptist in Salt Lake. In 2019, they also served as elected officer within the convention, giving them a unique perspective that they thought would be worth sharing. Salty Believer Unscripted was the outlet.

Starting at the beginning of the year, had a series that offered an occasional episode. Each episode served to discuss a different aspect of the convention and interviewed various leaders within the UISBC. After the 2019 Annual Meeting, they recorded the conclusion of the series.

Listen to every episode of our, “Inside the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention” series here:

Inside the UISBC
— An Introduction of the SBC and UISBC audio
— Planning the Annual Meeting audio
— An Overview of the SBC 2019 Annual Meeting audio
— What does the UISBC President Do? (with Matt McGukin) audio
— Why the UISBC (with Rob Lee, Travis Best, Gary Brown, and Cory Hodges) audio
— Recapping the 2019 Annual Meeting audio

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Every Pastor's 180 Days with Charles Stone

Charles Stone joined Bryan Catherman to discuss Stones’ newest book, Every Pastor’s First 180 Days: How to Start and Stay Strong in a New Church Job. In this podcast, they discussed the importance of on-boarding and having a strategic plan for success. Exploring Scripture, Stone found principles to help pastors get off on the right foot. Pastoring is not easy but there’s no reason to make it more difficult. While not the same as the first 100 days in the corporate world, Stone also explored these aspects of the corporate world to see if there may be helpful lessons. And his work wouldn’t be complete without lessons from his previous books, to include tools from neurological leadership and the spiritual formation of self-awareness and mindfulness. Listen to Charles Stone’s interview with Bryan Catherman here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Al Mohler on Church Planting in the West

In 2014, we got to sit with Dr. Albert Mohler. The topic of discussion was church planting in the West. He pointed out that the culture of America is changing at a rapid pace and in the cross hairs is cultural-Christianity.  "This is a pretty expensive turn," said Mohler in a discussion for Salty Believer Unscripted; "but it really doesn't help us to argue as to whether it's good or bad because we don't get to choose our times." 

Mohler spoke at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah and then addressed area pastors at First Baptist Church of Provo.  Preaching from the first chapter of First Peter, Mohler made a strong case that we are seeing some major cultural shifts which will impact the American church but the elect exiles need not be surprised. "The question is," he later told us, "is now what do we do?  What does faithfulness require us to do?"

It would seem his words ring more true today than they did just a few years ago.   

Dr. Mohler record a Salt Believer Unscripted podcast dealing with the question: What does church planting look like in light of the coming cultural shifts? 

We discussed the need for less infrastructure, more flexibility, and a willingness to take less for granted.  He also argued for a little different approach by dropping the expectations on the other side of our present models.  Stained-glassed windows, pipe organs, paid staff, and programs (among many other things) may have to change.  Things may look a bit different in the future.  In addition, I was encouraged and concerned by his charge that Christians in the Pacific North-West may have a responsibility to help other Christians around the nation as the "iceberg melts."  It seems that we're closer to the front edge of these changes (especially Seattle and in the heart of Mormondom) than are believers in other parts of the nation. 

"You are on the cutting edge of what America is going to look more like," Mohler stated.  He continued, "The fact the evangelicals are in a minority and have been for a very long time, virtually from the beginning of Utah as a territory, means you're on the cutting edge as a laboratory of what Christians in the rest of America are going to wake up and find. I'm not asking you to rejoice in every particular; I am asking you to consider the fact that the Lord has giving you the stewardship here to help the rest of the Church to figure these things out."

We were extremely thankful for the time Dr. Mohler gave us to discuss church planting on the front edge of these changes.  If you'd like to listen to our Salty Believer Unscripted discussion with him, you can find it here.

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Inside the UISBC: Recapping the Annual Meeting

We’ve been walking through the activities and events of the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention in a series called, “Inside the UISBC.” It’s been a journey to better understand the workings and value of the convention. In this episode, Bryan Catherman and Jared Jenkins recap the annual meeting. How did it go? What was worth noting? And by ending with the annual meeting, they’ve brought the year to a close. You can listen to “Recapping the Annual Meeting” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Unscripted: "Context is Key"

The Old Testament is about Jesus. We can and should see Christ throughout the Old Testament. In our series, “It’s All About Jesus,” Bryan Catherman and Jared Jenkins are exploring how we find, see, and understand Jesus in the Old Testament. Looking at three sections of Scripture they discuss one of the most important tools in seeing Christ in the Hebrew Bible— context. Context is key to unlocking what we often miss. Listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, “Context is Key” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Unscripted: "The Promise" (Genesis 12:1-3)

There’s a powerful thread or string running through the entire Bible. Everything else in there hooks to that string. They clip on to the most important theme of them all. It’s Jesus. That running thread is Jesus. The story of the Bible is about the redemptive history and Jesus is the hero of the Bible. It’s all about Jesus. In this series, Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman look at Genesis 12:1-3 to see Jesus. Rather than just seeing what’s clipped on to the tread, they are looking at the tread itself and how it runs through these passages.

Listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, “The Promise” (Genesis 12:1-3) here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Life Connections Study Bible for Personal and Small Group Study

Since 1988, disciple-makers and small group leaders have been using the Serendipity Bible for Personal and Small Group study to help raise up disciples of Jesus Christ. With the help of this resource, it was easy to train up more small group leaders and disciple-makers. In its pages were opening questions, questions to drive conversation to consider Scripture, and application questions for every chapter of the Bible. And, if you’ve ever used it, you know it was great. But alas, it end up outdated and eventually it went out of print.

But it was not forgotten.

Thanks to the work of LifeWay folks like Trevin Wax and J.D. Green, Holman Bible Publishers has not only brought this gem back into the hands of small group leaders and disciple-makers, they’ve given it an update and an upgrade. It’s clean, the questions are updated, and they’ve added additional materials like study Bible notes. It’s called Life Connections Study Bible for Personal and Small Group Study and it’s better than ever.

This study Bible includes ready-made discussion and study questions for every chapter of the Bible. Some chapters include more than one study and set of questions. There’s an opening question (or ice breaker), some Scripture-driven questions for consideration, and some application questions, all based on the chapter in which the questions are found. Where appropriate, there are also questions for worship, group activities, and digging deeper in Bible study. Maps are included in the back and each biblical book as introductory information. There are chapter summaries. Along the bottom of every page are study notes to provide more information and an enhanced understanding of Scripture.

For those more inclined toward topical studies, there are 16 topical study courses, 60 life needs courses, and 200 Bible stories available for study. But what’s excellent about these additional studies is that they simply point to selected chapter studies in the Bible. Scripture is still the driving force behind every lesson and every study. For example, the topical study, “Significant Women of the Bible,” has 15 women listed in a 13-week study or 7 women listed for a 7-week study. Next to each lesson is the Scripture from where the lesson draws Truth and the page number where the questions for that chapter are found. A life needs study on sexuality points to specific chapters from which to draw the Texts and questions. Bonus: all the 60 life needs studies have beginner and advanced options and all of them depend on the Scripture with margin questions from the chapters.

It’s a study Bible, which means there’s also a Bible. The publisher used the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation to pair with this study Bible. If you’re not familiar with the CSB, it’s a readable, accurate translation of God’s Word developed by more than 100 scholars from 17 denominations.

This is an excellent resource for the Church.

Get a more information and a look at the Life Connections Study Bible For Personal and Small Group Study in this 8-minute video. Then, pick up yourself a copy wherever you buy your favorite books or follow this link to the listing on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2mYyIzO

New Unscripted Series -- It's All About Jesus: "Introduction"

The entire Bible is about Jesus. But how do we see Christ when the text is about building a tabernacle or numbering the people or going to war. Where is Jesus in the Old Testament? In this new series, Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman will look at the Old Testament and point to Jesus. It’s all about Jesus! Listen to the introduction here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Podcast Discussion: "A Change of Affection" by Becket Cook

One of many difficult conversations in the Church today in found in the LGBTQ aspects of our changing society. These are challenging conversations that require more than surface-level thought and sensitivity. The Bible must dictate the actions of the Church and it’s worth much discussion. Becket Cook, a formerly gay man wrote a book sharing his story, conversion, and his thoughts on the conversation. Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman discuss the book on this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted. You can listen in here:

Purchase A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption wherever you buy your favorite books or follow this link to the Amazon listing.

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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