What Should a Christian Do About Lent?

You won't find Ash Wednesday or Lent in the Bible, but neither will you find instructions for special Christmas or Easter worship services.  Not even Indiana Jones could find evidence of the early church engaging in Lent, and the Church Fathers didn’t provide any instruction for something they weren’t practicing.  But before you toss out Ash Wednesday and Lent altogether, we should ask if it is biblical and has value for the protestant Christian. 

Finding a concise, official definition of Lent is a challenge; but basically speaking, Lent is a 40-day practice of giving up some worldly thing (namely, food) to give attention to Christ and prepare for Easter.  Historically, it was a 40-day communal fast that was not optional and rejected by most of the Reformers. 

Ulrich Zwingli celebrated a new printing of Paul’s Epistles by attending a Friday night sausage supper during Lent when meat was forbidden on Fridays.  Following the sausage supper, he preached a sermon entitled, “On the Choice and Freedom of Foods.”  In his sermon, Zwingli preached that he couldn’t find Lent in the Scripture and these practices were looking to achieve some level of extra righteousness.  Then he encouraged the believers with Matthew 7:28-30, which reads,

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (CSB).   

The following year, Zurich rejected Roman Catholic government control and these religious laws.  It was the first city do to do so, and it was because they were led by Scripture rather than papal tradition.    

Jesus does not call upon the believer to be burdened by the absence of food in order to enjoy him, appreciate his grace, or prepare for him.  Jesus calls his people to rest in him.  Abide. But Jesus also assumes his people will fast from time to time in order to accompany their prayers, something entirely different then a Lent-driven food law. 

It would seem that if a Christian seeks to appreciate Christ more and set his or her heart to the Lord’s grace, the brother or sister should not give up coffee or chocolate or Facebook for 40-days. If these things keep one from fully coming to Christ, they should give them up forever!  Instead, the Christian should seek ways to draw closer to Christ and find rest in him.  We should enter into the Lord’s joy and enjoy him.

Here’s an idea.  How about giving up the hustle of the morning and take a little more time to treasure the Word of God.  Listen to worship music and sing along in praise.  Fellowship with your family members.  Pray.  And enjoy a cup of coffee (if that’s your thing) while you’re enjoying Jesus? 

Or how about these other ideas?  While you’re commuting to work, turn off talk-radio and listen to a sermon from a biblical preacher.  Give your time to come to Jesus and be encouraged by the Word of God.  Commit to attending weekly worship services with your faith-family.  (It’s shocking how many people give up a food item for Lent but then miss church services to go skiing.)  Join a Bible Study, small group, or something where you will be able to fellowship with Jesus while you fellowship with his people.  Find an area where you can serve others.  Service isn’t initially thought of as restful, but you’ll find when you join Jesus in the work of his Church, you’ll find that you enjoy being closer to Jesus.  Find new ways to love God and love your neighbors.    

Hopefully, habits will form so these practices of the normal Christian life abiding in Jesus will not be a 40-day burden, but a life time of joy while you come to Christ and rest in him.             

Dangerous Virtues by John Koessler

Koessler, John. Dangerous Virtues: How to Follow Jesus When Evil Masquerades as Good. Chicago, Ill: Moody Publishers, 2020.

Isaiah 5:20 gives a stark warning against calling good bad and bad good. It says, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." We think we understand this warning when the behavior shows itself in politics. But what about when it runs at full speed in the Church? Love, satisfaction, prosperity, leisure, justice, envy, and pride are all double-ended swords. (I say double-ended rather than double-edged because they seem to have a sharp, pointed end for a handle.) In his book, Dangerous Virtues: How to Follow Jesus When Evil Masquerades as Good, John Koessler explores the dangers when sinful things that appear virtues (even in the Church).  

Using the "seven deadly sins" as a roadmap, Koessler takes a severe but needed stab at a real problem. Our society has found these sins virtuous. Sure, it's subtle, but it is sin none-the-less. It would be an easy read with a lot of head nodding if he didn't also expose the same problem in the Church. While needed, it's a painful blow against the state of the Church in American today.  

The book opens with a clear, precise description of the problem--we no longer take sin seriously. And because we don't take sin seriously, we don't take the consequences seriously. Finally, when deadly sins have no consequences, virtue losses it's value. Eventually, the fruit of sinful behavior is highly valued and calling it out only gains jeers. The virtues we value are deadly snares, and the Church doesn't seem to care. 

"This is a book about sin," writes Koessler. "In particular, it is a book about those sins that the church has traditionally labelled the seven deadly sins. What I will be talking about in the following pages is much more than a list. It is a kind of Rosetta Stone. We are living in an age when the seven deadly sins have become the seven deadly virtues" (p. 26). 

In each subsequent chapter, Koessler addresses a specific sin, how society and the Church ended up so off-course, and the alternative to calling the sin good. I can say it's not as apparent as one might think. After seeing the problem, the reader will see it everywhere. Be warned, after you see it, it can't be unseen.   

I wasn't sure what I would find in the pages. Would this be a book about morals, works, and behavior-modification? No. In the end, it was a gospel-centred book about the problem of sin. Would it be some ethereal argument without practicality? Not at all. Koessler argues against keeping our theology of sin too abstract (p. 179). The solution, according to Koessler (and the Bible) is redemption and reconciliation with God. Citing Romans and Ephesians, Koessler demonstrates that the answer to this grave problem is the gospel of Jesus Christ.   

If I were to point out any shortcoming or problem, I struggle to find much. But I do believe a few more pages should have been given to the conclusion and the gospel. After reading page after page about the sinful disasters of our society and the Church, there was plenty of room for the good news and hope of Jesus.  

Dangerous Virtues is a needed book for our day, maybe more now than ever. I highly recommend it.  

You can buy Dangerous Virtues: How to Follow Jesus When Evil Masquerades as Good wherever you by your favorite books. 

SBU "Shadow Christians" by Jeff Iorg

Dr. Jeff Iorg (President of Gateway Seminary) has published a new book called Shadow Christians: Making an Impact When No One Knows Your Name (B&H, 2020). The Salty Believer Unscripted guys were able to catch up with Dr. Iorg on Zoom to discuss this book. In this episode, Jeff Iorg was our guest to discuss the book. Listen to this episode, “Shadow Christians by Jeff Iorg” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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I'm a Christian, Now What?


The Christian life is a journey. It’s about growth and sanctification. The first few steps are discussed often and fairly well know. But few people talk about some of the more difficult parts of the journey. In this Salty Believer Unscripted series, the guys discuss some of the easier steps as well as some of the more difficult. The series is called, “Now What?” If you’ve missed this series, you can find it wherever you listen to podcasts or click on the links below.

Now What?
— Get Baptized audio
— Know God’s Word audio
— Pray audio
— Join a Local Church audio
— Make Disciples audio
— Preserver audio
— Observe Sabbath Rest audio
— Wait on the Lord audio
— Commitment audio
— Dying Well audio

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Now What? "Dying Well"

We’ve looked at many aspects of the Christian life. In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Bryan Catherman, Mike Pless, and Josiah Walker discuss dying. Death is a part of this life, but for the Christian, it’s very different. Christians should understand what it means to die well. Listen to this episode, “Dying Well” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Rumors of War?


Jesus' disciples (John and Andrew) once asked Jesus, "What is the sign of the end of the age?" When I was much younger, his answer confused me. He warned them,

"Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah,' and they will deceive many. You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, because these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these events are the beginning of labor pains" (Matthew 24:4-8, CSB; see also Mark 13:3-8).

People saying they are the savior or great rescuer? Rumors of wars?

Sure, there have been people claiming to be Jesus, but it's so easy to brush them off as nutjobs. The ones we don't brush off so quickly are those claiming the ability to fix all of our problems. "Just follow me," they cry out, or "vote for me," they pay good money to beg from the masses. "If you just let me, I can make your life great," they promise. Jesus warned us of those claiming to be a savior, or more specifically, a messiah. They may not use the title, but we've undoubtedly heard the claims for years.

And what of the rumors of wars? Years ago, I didn't understand how there could be a rumor of war. Wouldn't the news report if there was a war or if there wasn't? Why rumors?

In nations where governments or mobs control information, trust in the reported news dissolves. The same is true when news outlets chiefly depend on clicks or advertisement sales for revenue. The more sensational the report, the more clicks, thus the more revenue, and the cycle feeds on itself. In a vacuum of trust, rumors abound!

Even in the fictional land of Narnia, rumors, speculation, and word-of-mouth express the reality of the conflicted situation. "They say Aslan is on the move--perhaps has already landed," Beaver reported to his companions. In a children's story, C.S. Lewis captured the essence of rumors of wars. It's a desire for hope. It's a longing to be "in the know," because it helps fight the feeling of the free-fall of not knowing, of not having an assurance of the future. But it is Jesus who gives hope, and for those who depend upon Jesus, the future is secure!

"If he wins a second term, it won't be long before he takes away all of our rights, and there will be world-war III," I remember hearing before stepping into the booth to vote in 1996. It was then when I realized this fear-tactic had been deployed to gain power for thousands of years. There's nothing new today. Rumors of war.

The rumors have ramped up over the past decade and seem to be picking up highway speeds as of late. Maybe you've also heard rumors of war?

"Don't be alarmed," Jesus said, "these things must take place" (Mark 13:7). Jesus told his disciples we'd experience this. It only serves to validate his statements. He went on to say, "but it is not yet the end."

If Jesus is correct--and he is--things will get much more challenging than the seasons of messiahship claims and rumors of war we might be seeing today. He said, "nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom" (Mark 13:8), but don't think kingdoms are only those with borders and governments. He also said, "Brother will betray brother to death, and father his child. Children will rise up against parents and have them put to death" (Mark 13:12). Christians will be hated because of the name of Jesus (Mark 13:13), even being handed over to the courts and punished (Mark 13:9). While concerning, this is Jesus' mean by which Christians will stand before governors and kings as a witness to them (Mark 13:9). He's already done this in many other nations for a long time. Many American Christians had remained unconcerned when it was "over there." It might be time that Jesus wants the governors and kings of America to hear his gospel. And now Christians are growing concerned.

I see many Christians in a panic over the rumors of war. We ought not to be freaked out if we trust Jesus. He told us the reason behind all of this madness. Jesus said, "it is necessary that the gospel be preached to all nations. So when they arrest you and hand you over, don't worry beforehand what you will say, but say whatever is given to you at that time, for it isn't you speaking, but the Holy Spirit" (Mark 13:10-11, CSB).

There's more.

Jesus also said, "Then many will fall away, betray one another, and hate one another" (Matthew 24:10). He's talking about so-called Christians falling away because they were never actually with Jesus. The trials and challenges exposed them. He goes on to say, "Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many" (Matthew 24:11). I suspect the deception will be easy for those who are consumed with the day's hot events rather than God's Words of life. "Because lawlessness will multiply," Jesus continues, "the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:12-14).

SBU: "Commitment"

With all that has been going on in 2020, we’ve been a bit hit-and-miss with the podcast. We’re really sorry about that. It’s our hope however, to get back into the regular swing of things in 2021. To help us, we have a new podcast intern (whatever that is). Please join us in welcoming Robbie Tschorn! As has been the case with all of our past interns, his challenge is to get the podcast a Chick-Fil-A sponsorship. We know it’s unlikely, but why not shoot for something big, right?

Back to the podcast.

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Jared Jenkins, Bryan Catherman, and Robbie the Intern are discussing the importance of commitment. The christian should be committed to sanctification and growth. How does he or she stay committed? Listen to to learn more. You can hear this episode, “Commitment” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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The Unintended Consequences of Closing Weekly Church Services


This year has seen many leaders making every effort to do what they believe is the answer to COVID problems. Scripture indicates that Christians should submit to the governments placed over us unless submitting to the government mandates will result in sinning against God (1 Peter 2:13-17 and Romans 13:1-7). Further, the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20 shows us that when Christians are sinned against, we should seek to restore the relationship and seek to bring gospel redemption to bare when sin is committed. There is a process that should be followed until all options are expended. If there’s room for submission and grace as we work through the ideas of our government, that it seems these things should be offered. (For example, writing our elected leaders, seeking a meeting to discuss the matter, giving time for solutions, etc.)

When government leaders first asked churches to not meet for a short period, there was room for submission and grace to participate to help the leaders if the pastors of each church felt that was wise for the church. Each had their own reasons for the decisions they made. When safety protocols were shared by governments and asked to be practiced in churches, it was incumbent on pastors to examine the requests and determine if honoring the request would cause sin or not. There are times when the Bible shows us when not to submit to governments (like when Nebuchadnezzar ordered all people to bow to a statue of himself, or when Darius mandated that for 30 days people were only allowed to pray to him, or when Peter and John were ordered not to preach the gospel). And there are times when Christians submit to the government mandates, such as rendering to Cesar his due taxes, or paying the temple tax, or God telling the exiles to build houses and plant gardens while under a the rule of a sinful, conquering government).

But it still falls to the responsibility of the pastors and elders to continually examine how the process is going and determine the best course of action for the faith-family they lead.

In some places in the US, churches are still ordered closed. Chains hang on some doors. Months have passed. Cries to government leaders are going unheard. What becomes the course of action now? That’s for the pastors to determine. Some have started meeting against government order while others have not.

As pastors are examining what’s best for the flocks Jesus has asked them to shepherd, some secular data has recently published that speaks into the unintended consequences of COVID decisions being made.

Since 2001, Gallop (a secular research group) has surveyed to understand mental health and how it has changed among different demographics each year. Do not miss these two things: 

1. The ONLY group of people who said their mental health is excellent that grew in 2020 is that group of people who attend WEEKLY church services.  

2. The demographic of people with the most reporting their mental is excellent is the same group of people who attend WEEKLy church services.   

Among those who attended church services every week in 2020, 46% reported that their mental health is excellent. That's an increase of 4% in 2020. Of those who attend a couple of times per month or monthly, only 35% said their mental health is excellent, a 12% drop.   

The most likely indicator of excellent mental health is not income, political party, race, or marital status. It's church attendance. But it's essential to realize that these demographics overlap. For example, 41% of males said their mental health was excellent, while only 27% of females reported excellent. 41% of married participants said their mental health was excellent compared to only 27% of the single people surveyed. Republicans reported 41%, while Democrats reported 29%. White reported 35% while non-white was 32%. Therefore, a married, Republican male who attends church weekly is more likely to be in excellent mental health than a single, Democrat female.  

These measurements are not trying to identify all the categories you should try to fall in. Instead, they isolate different factors to see what impact those various factors might have upon mental health. There is also a factor of self-reporting, one of the weaknesses of surveys. Yet, when these surveys are conducted year after year, change (up or down) is measured. Regardless of the self-reporting weakness, the change over time is telling. 

In the case of this study, nearly every demographic had a drop; most of them double-digit declines. One group had only a 1% drop, except it was already low, at the bottom of the political party's options. The top of that category took a 15% drop among the excellent mental health responses. (The survey was taken from November 5th to the 19th, which may have contaminated the self-reporting responses one way or the others.)    

Church attendance, however, had two categories drop in the double-digits and one climb. That's interesting! 

While nearly weekly or monthly attendance was once higher than weekly attendance, 2020 has brought severe changes. The nearly weekly response took a 12% hit. Weekly attendance saw 4% more people report they had excellent mental health in 2020 compared to 2019.  

From this study, we should conclude that there is a benefit gained by weekly church service attendance. And looking at all those drops in other mental health factors, it's probably fair to say it's a precious benefit.

Read Gallop's report for yourself here.   

Hebrews 10:25 says that we should not forsake the assembly, meeting for worship together. There are numerous examples in the Bible of the normative and regulative mandates of God that churches should meet. The most notable examples are the ones meeting daily. But it would seem it’s not about the Christians forsaking the meeting but instead be prevented from gathering. Pastors have decisions to make. But so to Christians.

If you’re a Christian and you can gather, are there good reasons for your to remain away? Is it just a heart issue or is it a real safety issue? If it’s just neglect, the Gallop poll seems to support the Truth of the Bible’s instruction for gathering. This should give us all a reason to examine what happens next.

Dr. Jenkins Receives the William O. Crews Presidential Leadership Award

COVID has made for many adjustments in our lives, to include serious adjustments to the special occasions like graduation. Gateway Seminary had to make the difficult decision to cancel graduation. However, a group of Dr. Jared Jenkins’ friends and colleagues were able to see Dr. Iorg (President of Gateway Seminary) present the William O. Crews Presidential Leadership Award to Jared.

Past recipients of this award have gone on to serve as pastors, professors, denominal leaders, seminary and college deans and presidents, and other significant leadership roles around the world.

Congratulations Dr. Jared Jenkins!

(Here’s a 3-minute video of Dr. Iorg presenting the award.)

He Who Controls the Narrative


Some of our present challenges involve information. Who can we trust? What's true, what's not? And what is it about our nature that causes us anxiety when we don't understand the narrative? Even worse, what is it that makes us think we need to defend or control one narrative over another?

We give authority to the news outlets or social media services or rumors or conspiracy theories that we decide are the correct ones, the truth sources we judge as right and true. What COVID information do I agree with, and what must I toss out? What am I to think about the election given who is reporting the election? Can I live in tension while the legal process works? What should I expect for the future? How we answer these questions often shape our worldview, what we think of COVID, how we feel about the government, and even how we think about our involvement with the narrative.

It's complicated.

On the one hand, I see the numbers and the reporting of COVID, contrasted against the many people I know who weathered Coronavirus like a cold, again juxtaposed against the strange COVID-funeral I recently officiated. I see some social media information contested or censored while other stuff is not. I even posted a silly joke on social media only to have someone argue about how it's not how social media works. (No kidding, I doubt Paul Revere posted anything to social media on April 18, 1775. No need for argument or fact-checking.) It's a strange time, and it's exhausting to know what's real and what is not. My soul wants to feel the comfort of knowing the truth.

On the other hand, when I don't know what's true or right, I feel the need to judge information by my own desire for what I want to be correct. I'm trying to dictate the truth for myself. I see a narrative being controlled and manipulated, and I realize that I'm the one feeding myself the narrative that I desire to control. It gets even worse when I want to defend one news source over another or argue with other people who have just as flawed information as I have. And I bristle when others want me to adopt their manipulated and flawed narrative of loose details. We are all arguing for what is right in our own eyes. Sounds just like the book of Judges, doesn't it?

Before we propagate our desired narrative, we should explore truth.

As Christians, this shouldn't be too complicated. Christians believe that God is the source of all meaningful truth. His revelation, the Bible, serves as the ultimate and final authority of truth. Does this mean we can open up the Bible and find out who won the election or if singing in church will increase the possible spread of COVID-19? No. The Bible doesn't work like that. It deals with much more important things, like how we love God and love each other, how we can be reunited to God, saved from sin, sanctified, and eventually glorified in eternity with our Lord.

The Bible gives us direction to the anchor in the storm. COVID and elections and news media and conspiracies and presidential policies and supreme court rulings are just a single wave in a sea of storms. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the waves, Peter started going under the sea. (Matthew 14:22-32.) Jesus is our anchor, and his Word is Truth.

Here's how the Bible speaks into things like COVID and elections. Here is but a small sample of how Jesus should be our ark in a storm-flooded world. Find comfort in his truth.

"I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will" (Isaiah 46:10).

"May desire a ruler's favor, but a person receives justice from the Lord" (Proverbs 29:26).

"He changes the times and seasons; he removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding" (Daniel 2:21)

"God is our refuge and strength, a helper is always found in times of trouble. Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountain topple into the depths of the seas, though its water roars and foams and the mountains quake with its turmoil" (Psalm 46:1-3).

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10).

"Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff--they comfort me" (Psalm 23:4).

"When the wicked increase, rebellion increases, but the righteous will see their downfall" (Proverbs 29:16).

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world" (John 16:33).

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39).

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you" (1 Peter 5:6-7).

"I know both how to make do with little, and I know how to make do with a lot. In any circumstances I have learned the secret of being content--whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:12-13).

"For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21).

As more information comes at you and circumstances are continually changing, remember who your anchor is. Continue to abide in the Lord.

And should things go ways you don't like--COVID gets worse or COVID lessens and we start to relax in ways you're not ready for; we learn the vaccine works or the vaccine doesn't work and kills the first ten-thousand who try it; Biden wins the election or the process of recounting and the legal reviews determine Trump won; we discover COVID is not as bad as we think or it's much worse; baby Yoda turns out to be an evil sith-lord; or anything else the world is freaked out about--let us remember the Truth we have from God's Word, the Bible. Let us put our eyes on Jesus, always.

Free Music Resources for This Challenging Season

Churches have been or are headed back to an online-only format. And if not, even keeping a hybrid model up and running on Sundays is challenging with limited volunteers. This is where Reawaken Hymns can help, and it will cost you nothing or next to nothing.

Before continuing, please know that SaltyBeliever.com is receiving no monetary reward for promoting Reawaken Hymns. I (Bryan Catherman) hope that small and struggling churches will continue proclaiming the gospel through the preached Word and song and maybe Reawaken Hymns can help.

COVID has certainly made ministry challenging. But before COVID, churches without a musician or worship leader were using Reawaken Hymns lyric videos to lead the church into congregational musical worship. Musicians were using Reawaken Hymns to help arrange hymns for the guitar. And many other resources were helping small and large church. This help was nearly or totally free. But there's even more help available in this season of COVID. (More on that below.)

Here's more from Nathan Drake about Reawaken Hymns:

How can Reawaken Hymns help churches through COVID-caused challenges? Here are a few ideas:

Guitar chord charts. Hymns arranged to simple chord charts for the guitar allow the worship leader to lead worship even if they are away from that big grand piano or there's no worship ream.

Lyric videos. Lyric videos have the music and the lyrics playing from a single video. No worship leader or tech person to change the slides, no problem. If you can hit play, you can use these videos. They are inexpensive, and if you buy them, you have the right not only to use them for your in-person worship service, you can live-stream the ones in the public domain (which is nearly every song on Reawaken Hymns.) If you have a CCLI license with the streaming ad-on, you can stream everything Reawaken Hymns offers. (Here’s a YouTube sample.)

Simple Tutorials. Nathan Drake offers online lessons to help worship leaders play hymns on a guitar. Learn chords, gear, how to incorporate a band, how to modernize classic hymns, and more. He even teaches some hymns that only require three chords.

Legally streamable music. Music rights can be complicated, but with this resources you can legally stream pre-recorded Reawaken Hymns songs. For example, Redeeming Life Church plays songs recorded and performed by Nathan Drake in the lobby and sanctuary before the service begins. Their live-stream starts about 5 minutes before the service begins. They don't have the right to play other artists' recorded worship music on YouTube, and neither does any other church. However, by purchasing the rights from Nathan Drake, often for less than $1 per song, they can play Drake's pre-recorded hymns on the live-stream too.

Pre-recorded worship sets. During COVID, Reawaken Hymns has offered entire pre-recorded worship sets. If you are leading something from home, these could be really helpful as you put something together for your congregation. He has also provided sets for the Christmas season.

We recorded two podcasts that are scheduled to release in a couple weeks; however, they might prove extra helpful right now. Here’s a sneak peak:

Episode 1: Nathan Drake on Reawaken Hymns

Episode 2: “The Soul Felt Its Worth

Please visit Reawaken Hymns to learn more.

Unscripted: "The Soul Felt Its Worth"

Nathan Drake is the creator of Reawaken Hymns. He spent some time chatting with Bryan Catherman on Salty Believer Unscripted, specifically about Christmas hymns and the new album and the devotional book, “The Soul Felt Its Worth.” Listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted here:

The music played in this podcast is from the new album. Or you can find more samples at Reawaken Hymns.

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
RSS Feed | Spotify | iTunes | Google Play Music | TuneIn | Stitcher | iHeartRADIO

Unscripted with Nathan Drake: Talking About Reawaken Hymns

Nathan Drake.jpg

Nathan Drake (of Reawaken Hymns) joined Bryan Catherman to discuss hymns, the ministry of Reawaken Hymns, music, and more. Clearly, Bryan loves Drake’s music and highly recommends it for churches needing streaming options, worship when they don’t have a worship leader, or for the worship leaders wanting to play hymns that are true to form but suited for a guitar. We’ve even included a couple music samples in the podcast. Listen to this episode with guest, Nathan Drake here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Interested in more about Reawaken Hymns? Here’s a short video explanation from Nathan Drake.

Now What? "Wait on the Lord"


Waiting on the Lord can be challenging. Patience doesn’t come naturally. In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Josiah Walker and Bryan Catherman discuss this topic and what the Bible has to say about it. Waiting can be difficult but it seems to be a biblical norm. Listen to this episode of our series, “Now What?” here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Lessons from Floyd: "The Conclusion"

In what turned out to be four podcasts over months of events, consideration, and prayer, Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman have concluded there 4-part series titled, “Lessons from Floyd.” This, the conclusion of the series, was recorded prior to election day. They ask the question, “From where does true justice come?” Listen to the 4th and concluding episode of “Lessons from Floyd” here:

If you’ve missed the previous episodes, you can find them in our archive or click on the links here:

Lessons From Floyd
— The Overview audio
— Pride audio
— Certainty audio
— Conclusion audio

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Biblical Considerations for Election Day

Today is election day in the United States. It is not the first election we've ever had, nor is it unprecedented or substantially more important than any previous election, despite what the campaigns and news outlets may argue. (And if you really want to get serious about an election, be sure it's the election Peter refers to in 2 Peter 2:10.)

On this election day, let us remember a few things.

First, in the only election that Jesus was ever a part of, Pilot asked the people if they wanted Jesus or Barabbas, a known criminal. Barabbas won in a landslide. Without the love and power of Christ dwelling in us, we'd have voted for Barabbas if we would have been there. And every time we sin, we're voting for Barabbas. (See Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and John 18).

Second, Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. No matter who is a king or a lord on the earth, he or she still answers to Jesus. That's but only one of the significant points when we say Jesus is on the throne.

Next, Daniel 2:21 reminds us who God votes for, and his vote is the only one that counts. Remember that when you wake up tomorrow and see the winners and losers. God will use leaders --righteous or wicked--for God's purposes and plans. Think about the time in the nation of Israel when the people demanded a king like all the other nations. God allowed them to have Saul, a terrible king. God did this so we would understand that God sees the heart while man only sees what's on the outside. In Saul's case, he was taller than everyone else . . . but there's always a more towering giant out there. (See 1 Samuel 9-12 and chapter 17.)

Let us also consider Proverbs 29:26, which reads, "Many desire a ruler's favor, but a person receives justice from the Lord." If you think that any elected leader will make right the wrongs in the world, you're mistaken. Justice--making wrong things right--comes from the Lord. And the Lord can work through righteous and evil leaders as God wills. Pharaoh, in the Book of Exodus, serves as a great example.

Next, let us consider that Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 teach us to submit to the earthly authorities placed over us when that authority is not in direct violation of God's Word and instruction. In the case of Americans, we are blessed to participate in our government. Nobody in the early Church had this blessing. Therefore, let us participate. If you have not voted, I believe these Scriptures encourage that we should vote. Be sure to do that today if you have not already.

Finally, let us remember these things tomorrow too. Elections are momentary. The season leaders are in office is but a blip in time. God is eternal. No matter the outcome today--your candidate wins, your candidate loses, there's an entangled court battle for weeks, civil unrest burns down our city, or something else--remember, what happens in the elections today will have a minimal impact on the scope of eternity, if any. But the fruit that grows from gospel seeds planted in the souls of men and women will last forever. The proclamation of the Gospel and the glorification of our Lord is what matters, and it may be that Sunday was much more significant than Tuesday this week.

How To Navigate Political Mayhem

In California, government entities are fining some churches. Like Grace Community pastored by John MacArther, others have received court orders to refrain from gathering.

The First Amendment of the US Constitution reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Are these assemblies not peaceable? Are they administering violence, burn buildings, and damaging public property? Are these churches exercising their religion? Regardless of the circumstances, we must answer these questions before seeking to understand when it is appropriate and constitutional to place rules on religion's free exercise or religious assemblies.

Now, let us be reasonable and fair. Church gatherings must submit to fire codes and be ADA compliant. It's against the law to yell "fire" in a crowded building, potentially causing harm or death to those who could panic and trample each other trying to get out. Building codes ensure safety for all who participate and are required if people gather inside a building. Food safety laws are placed on church cafes and other gatherings involving food. Churches submit to tax laws (i.e., proper recording and sending a tax statement to donors in January).

However, due process was involved in putting the laws mentioned above in place. What is the due process in a pandemic?

Anyone arguing that we throw due process out the window in a pandemic should rethink that position because this question prevents police officers from changing the rules of force arbitrarily in a pandemic. The Constitution and due process keep the government from taking your property to set up a COVID hospital on your front lawn without appropriate standards and steps. We must understand the thresholds the government must meet to act. These standards and stipulations help us function together in a diverse society. Local legislatures and the US Congress should argue, debate, vote, and slog through these standards and stipulations to get them right. It’s a part of the process.

What is the threshold or line for a government entity to prohibit a religious gathering altogether? Masks, social distancing? Only ten new COVID cases per day? No cases? What is an acceptable risk of illness, and is that standard applied to all types of contagious disease? What is appropriate under the US Constitution? What is the threshold? Is the threshold being used only for churches or fairly to everyone?

In an ideal system, the executive branch (mayors, governors, and the President) enforce the laws made by the legislative branch (councils, senates, and congress). At times, the executive branch can enact executive orders to implement and carry out the legislative branch's laws. When conflicts arise, the judiciary branch interprets the laws and actions to determine if they are inside our outside the bounds of state constitutions and our US Constitution. The governed people vote for their leaders in both the executive and legislative branches (sometimes in the judiciary too). In an ideal system, the people vote leaders in and out after careful consideration of the candidates, track records, and issues.

We see the designed and essential conflict between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches in some ways. We are witnessing the working out of our rights under the US Constitution and government systems in the US. It's messy and unpleasant at times.

But in other ways, we see the impact of sinful desires, rebellion toward God, and idolatry. The system is sound on paper, but it doesn't consider the rotten fruit of sin as severely as it should. Sin takes reason out of the process. Sin makes it about identity with party or power over what is doing right before God and the people being governed. Because of sin, there's tremendous infighting. James 4 tells us why we fight and why there are wars.

"What is the source of wars and fights among you? Don't they come from your passions that wage war within you? You desire and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and wage war. You ask and don't receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend in on your pleasures" (James 4:1-3).

What is a Christian to do in this political mess?

You could play the political game the same way the world plays, but James goes on with a severe warning about that. He writes, "You adulterous people! Don't you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? So whoever wants to be a friend of the world becomes the enemy of God" (James 4:4). You could avoid the political system altogether, but then you'd be in disobedience to 1 Peter 2:13-17 and Romans 13:1-7. The gist of both sections of Scripture commands the disciple of Christ to submit to government (in-so-much as it is not sinful before God). Yet, this is where Americans and those living in a democracy need to ask, "And who is the government?"

Let us not forget how the US Constitution opens: "We the people of the United States. . . " The governed form a government in the name of the people. We do not have a government formed in the name of a Queen. Nor do we have a King or a dictatorship. Therefore, in the ideal system explained above, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches are a part of a self-governed people (under God), with roles filled by those people. Therefore, one significant way to obey 1 Peter 2:13-17 and Romans 13:1-7 is to participate and fulfill your governmental role as a "people."

The first and most important thing you are called upon as a Christian to do is to pray for your elected and non-elected leaders. 1 Timothy says, "First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." Could it be that the lack of tranquility and quiet is directly related to the lack of prayer for everyone, including our leaders in authority?

Next, register to vote, educate yourself about the candidates (especially the local candidates where your vote and voice are more substantial), and vote.

You could run for office. Or support those who do with your time and resources. Both voting and running for office are conditions of our US and state constitutions.

See something for which you don't care? The First Amendment of the Constitution (remember, the one that protects the free exercise of religion) stipulates that you have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. You also have the right to free speech. You can write to your elected leaders. You can start petitions and seek that others join you. You even have the right to peaceably assemble to voice your grievances as a group of "we the people."

But as you exercise the rights afforded to you under the US Constitution, remember James 4. What is your motivation? Are you waging war and fighting, or are you obeying Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 with humility and obedience to God? For, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" (1 Peter 5:5).

SBU: "Join a Local Church"

As we continue in our series, “Now What?” Mike Pless was our guest. He and Bryan Catherman discuss the significance of being a part of a local church. Mike and Bryan serve as Pastors at Redeeming Life Church. They briefly discuss what’s going on there. Then they encourage listeners to be a part of a local church and they explain why and what the Bible says. Listen to this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Lessons from Floyd: "Certainty?"

As Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman continue in their series, “Lessons from Floyd,” they discuss how much we can be certain in worldly things. Too often we think we’re certain in the uncertain things and uncertain in the certain things. How do we get this turned around? It’s helpful to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Listen to this episode here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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Lessons from Floyd: "Pride"

In this episode of Salty Believer Unscripted, Jared Jenkins and Bryan Catherman explore what’s at the root of racism. The Bible has much to say about this topic, and the topic is pride. Pride, in other words, idolatry is at the root of racism and sinful prejudice. How do we test our ideas for the sin of pride? What do we do when we discover we have issues with pride? They deal with these questions and others in this episode of SBU. Listen here:

Find more podcasts like this, as well as many interviews with Christian pastors, professors, authors, and others from all across the US and Canada on our Salty Believer Unscripted page. And be sure to subscribe to the Salty Believer Unscripted on your favorite podcast app, or use these links:
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